Are black men really bigger?

I think the contrary. Extended, long winded palaver is not remarkable, especially on the topic of dick size. Especially for someone who ignores genetics and psychology (believing that stereotypes and falsehoods are synonymous).
I don't think you have the scope or intelligence to grasp what @Juiceypeen has been saying so you are upset. Instead of being angry at the truths being told why don't you crack open a book and learn something. I'm black and i've been with every race of man and I can debunk a lot of the sexually driven stereotypes. Furthermore black skin does not go hand in hand with having a large penis. For one most of us who have ties to slavery have been mixed throughout the generations so that should inform you that our genetics are not pure in the least. Genetics and psychology have done great harm also say a lot of other things about black men that are so positive so do you also accept those stereotypes? Do you also know that most published geneticists and psychologists that are quick to publish information concerning the differences in humans beings due to race are white therefore they come from a biased point of view. If you are reading these studies that make claims to genitalia size based on race, you should take them with a grain of salt because while on the surface they may seem like something to be proud of the underlying purpose of those claims is to dehumanize black men as animalistic beasts driven by carnal desires for the flesh. You and I can agree to disagree but I will never accept the myth as truth because like I've said I've dated across the board so I've seen first hand. I'm not disputing some genetic factors as to why our anatomies are different but penis size is definitely not one of them that I'd give much credence to.
I don't think you have the scope or intelligence to grasp what @Juiceypeen has been saying so you are upset. Instead of being angry at the truths being told why don't you crack open a book and learn something. I'm black and i've been with every race of man and I can debunk a lot of the sexually driven stereotypes. Furthermore black skin does not go hand in hand with having a large penis. For one most of us who have ties to slavery have been mixed throughout the generations so that should inform you that our genetics are not pure in the least. Genetics and psychology have done great harm also say a lot of other things about black men that are so positive so do you also accept those stereotypes? Do you also know that most published geneticists and psychologists that are quick to publish information concerning the differences in humans beings due to race are white therefore they come from a biased point of view. If you are reading these studies that make claims to genitalia size based on race, you should take them with a grain of salt because while on the surface they may seem like something to be proud of the underlying purpose of those claims is to dehumanize black men as animalistic beasts driven by carnal desires for the flesh. You and I can agree to disagree but I will never accept the myth as truth because like I've said I've dated across the board so I've seen first hand. I'm not disputing some genetic factors as to why our anatomies are different but penis size is definitely not one of them that I'd give much credence to.

Lol, I’m the least angry on here. And please don’t try to measure my intellectual abilities against someone who is spouting political correctness in favor of discrediting the genetic differences between humans to render himself to the likeness of whiteness. How about you crack open a psychology book and study what a stereotype is, and not what you think it ought to be with respect to your personal feelings on the subject. Excessive words doesn’t make one smart.

I’ve already enumerated some of the genetic differences between people of African descent and those of European descent (nose, hair, lips, muscle structure, bone structure, buttocks size in woman, and penises). Black genes are dominant genes. I’m aware that African Americans are on average 12-20% European, but our features still greatly prevail. And you do not even know if I’m African American. You assumed. (But I am Black.)

Again, the argument that White men tried to dehumanize Black people because of our features does not negate the fact that our features are real! Our features are not a stereotype! They’ve just been caricaturized for the supremacy of Whites. If our dicks were not, in fact, bigger than theirs, why in the hell would they create the myth!? Our skin was considered dirty, but that does not negate the fact that we do have dark skin.

You can disagree all you want. There is variation in size within races, but the OP was speaking about averages.

Four words to study: average, stereotype, myth, and genetics. If people understood these words, this thread would go a lot more smoothly.
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So if you go for a job interview, the label about persons of color being lazy, must give you a leg up on other applicants.
If you go into a store, the security guard is right to follow you around, as US are so prone to stealing ETC

Do your really think a label, makes up for a few centuries century of genocide and culture rape.
I pray you were making a failed attempt at humor

I love this post as it uses the word We twice and the word Us once. . A single person can not; and does not generally speak for a an entire group

No, but there are others who agree with me.

You're taking my post out of context. And no, a label doesn't make up for genocide and culture rape. But, this site is about sex, cocks and fucking. Not about everyday social issues surrounding black folk. If ya'll are reading too much into this, you're free to get off the site. In the context of sex, my statement carries a lot of weight. Again, there are plenty of those who agree with me even you personally don't and that's cool.
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Lol, I’m the least angry on here. And please don’t try to measure my intellectual abilities against someone who is spouting political correctness in favor of discrediting the genetic differences between humans to render himself to the likeness of whiteness. How about you crack open a psychology book and study what a stereotype is, and not what you think it ought to be with respect to your personal feelings on the subject. Excessive words doesn’t make one smart.

I’ve already enumerated some of the genetic differences between people of African descent and those of European descent (nose, hair, lips, muscle structure, bone structure, buttocks size in woman, and penises). Black genes are dominant genes. I’m aware that African Americans are on average 12-20% European, but our features still greatly prevail. And you do not even know if I’m African American. You assumed. (But I am Black.)

Again, the argument that White men tried to dehumanize Black people because of our features does not negate the fact that our features are real! Our features are not a stereotype! They’ve just been caricaturized for the supremacy of Whites. If our dicks were not, in fact, bigger than theirs, why in the hell would they create the myth!? Our skin was considered dirty, but that does not negate the fact that we do have dark skin.

You can disagree all you want. There is variation in size within races, but the OP was speaking about averages.

Four words to study: average, stereotype, myth, and genetics. If people understood these words, this thread would go a lot more smoothly.

Not only was and is HOU_HEADHUNTER correct. Let's work on political correctness for a bit. You've labeled people being more concerned with black people than black dick as being politically correct. Screaming that you have no idea where that term came from either.

We've already talked about how stereotypes aren't true. How they are false by definition. How they are over generalizations and there for automatically aren't real. Now we can talk about where political correctness came from.

Here's a hint. The west boro baptist church.

Still don't get it?

White christians hanging black people then having food afterward.


Here's your last clue. Oh you can't say that. It's against my religion.

Religion and more specifically christian culture created political correctness. By way of trying desperately to jam religion down everyone's throat via politics. And. Not only did they. But they are still attempting to to this day.

So not only do you not know what you think you do about stereotypes. You don't know what you're talking about regarding political correctness either. Meaning what HOU_HEADHUNTER said is extremely accurate.

>Do you also know that most published geneticists and psychologists that are quick to publish information concerning the differences in humans beings due to race are white therefore they come from a biased point of view.

There's a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance is just that you don't know something, weren't aware of it or hadn't given it very much thought beforehand. Stupidity is when you not only have access to humanity's entire history but have people telling you the truth and you still refuse it over things that are false.

Facts are facts. Stereotypes are stereotypes. Stereotypes are not facts. Facts are not stereotypes. If someone were to say generally speaking black people have fuller lips. That's different from someone saying all black people have fuller lips. If someone were to say generally speaking black people have darker skin tones. That's different from someone saying all black people have darker skin tones.

Why? Because not all black people do have fuller lips. Not all black people do have darker skin tones. And most of all not all black men have big dicks.

Just because you think something means something it doesn't mean that it does. Just ask the reverse racist people who think the term reverse racism means people who are racist against white people instead of a non-racist person. Words matter. The definition of words matter. Your ignorance of what those words mean does not.
Are black men really bigger?

You could also pose the question:

Are white people really racist?

They are both fatuous questions that don't even scratch the surface but the answer is largely the same;

Some are, some aren't.
No, but there are others who agree with me.

You're taking my post out of context. And no, a label doesn't make up for genocide and culture rape. But, this site is about sex, cocks and fucking. Not about everyday social issues surrounding black folk. If ya'll are reading too much into this, you're free to get off the site. In the context of sex, my statement carries a lot of weight. Again, there are plenty of those who agree with me even you personally don't and that's cool.

On a side note. Your attempt at logic here reminds me of something else. Which again validates exactly what HOU_HEADHUNTER said. That being.

>Do you also know that most published geneticists and psychologists that are quick to publish information concerning the differences in humans beings due to race are white therefore they come from a biased point of view.

Any and every time. As far as i can see. The topic of race comes up and it includes black people. The general reaction from a lot of white people in america is. Go back to africa. Now for a second. Think about that. Genetically we are very much from africa. Were we born there? No. So right off the bat that attempt at logic is deeply flawed. You can't go back to a place you've never been.

With that i would imagine you'd scoff at the idea that you were in any way shape or form influenced by racist ideas. And yet, this is a public forum. Where people talk about all sorts of topics if they so choose. With the only restrictions i would imagine being violence, disrespect and so on. What again is so wrong with bringing up the well being of black people in a topic surrounding black people?

Why would the well being of black people within a topic about black people be a taboo? Could it be because people caring more about black dick than black lives is true? That thinking in that way is not only illogical but traditional? And overall it harms black people?

Lets go back to the go back to africa part. Why? Why would people say that when people talk about the well being of black people? Could it be for the exact same reason as people trying to stop the talk of the well being of black people in a thread about black people? Wouldn't that mean without even knowing it you've been influenced?

Stereotypes. How do they spread? Could it be that people knowingly and unknowingly push, protect and accept stereotypes in the same way? Without even realizing it?
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You've labeled people being more concerned with black people than black dick as being politically correct. Screaming that you have no idea where that term came from either.

No I didn’t. Don’t know where you got that.

We've already talked about how stereotypes aren't true. How they are false by definition. How they are over generalizations and there for automatically aren't real. Now we can talk about where political correctness came from.

Please share a source that explains that “stereotypes are false by definition.” I really have to see this lol.

If someone were to say generally speaking black people have darker skin tones. That's different from someone saying all black people have darker skin tones.

Why? Because not all black people do have fuller lips. Not all black people do have darker skin tones. And most of all not all black men have big dicks.

Lmao! I’ve been saying this the WHOLE time. So you do agree! Please read all of my posts! I’ve been saying we are talking about what’s common/averages, not absolutes. I never said ALL black men have big dicks; I said on average, we tend to be bigger due to genetics.

You know to be smart, you didn’t read my responses well. Your whole comment was either false or a corroboration of what I’ve been saying all along!
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Are black men really bigger?

You could also pose the question:

Are white people really racist?

They are both fatuous questions that don't even scratch the surface but the answer is largely the same;

Some are, some aren't.

That wasn’t the OP’s question.
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No I didn’t. Don’t know where you got that.

Please share a source that explains that “stereotypes are false by definition.” I really have to see this lol.

Lmao! I’ve been saying this the WHOLE time. So you do agree! Please read all of my posts! I’ve been saying we are talking about what’s common/averages, not absolutes. I never said ALL black men have big dicks; I said on average, we tend to be bigger due to genetics.

You know to be smart, you didn’t read my responses well. Your whole comment was either false or a corroboration of what I’ve been saying all along!

Genetics. The second you talked genetics your whole i'm not agreeing with stereotypes went flying out the window. Our genes don't dictate based on race. If it did. And you were right about black men on average having bigger dicks then by now there would be many many more black men with bigger dicks than there are.

Meaning any and every study done, no matter how, would have black men dominating totals. With their being absolutely positively zero contest. That is not the case. The average is the average with black men included. Meaning we do not have large even on average.

>In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. For example, a “hells angel” biker dresses in leather.

What Is Overgeneralizing?

>This is an example of overgeneralizing, which is when you use overly broad language in our evaluations of events or people. You can really hear overgeneralizing in the language people use when they talk about provocations. They use words like “always,” “never,” “everybody,” and “nobody.” This type of thinking and language matters because once you say something always happens to you, you start responding to the pattern of events instead of just the one event that has just happened.

>Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.[1][2][3][4] It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.[2][3] Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.[2][3][5]

  • n.
    The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  • n.
    Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
  • n.
    The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.
Like i've said about a million times already. Stereotypes aren't real. They aren't factual. Not in any way shape or form by definition. Stereotypes are over generalizations. Over generalizations are illogical when applied to anyone. Racism is an over generalization. Racism is the belief, much like you have, that stereotypes are genetic. And can be applied to an entire race of people. Meaning it's automatically wrong.

So we have all heard and grew up with the phrase "black men have bigger cocks." My question is this are they actually genetically bigger or are the hung ones the only ones with enough guts and fortitude to share their cock because the average and smaller guys are way too ashamed, embarrassed, or something other than that because of the black men are bigger phrase.

Theories, thoughts... anyone?

This is what OP said. Where he asked for theories and thoughts on the topic. The topic being the stereotype.
Genetics. The second you talked genetics your whole i'm not agreeing with stereotypes went flying out the window. Our genes don't dictate based on race. If it did. And you were right about black men on average having bigger dicks then by now there would be many many more black men with bigger dicks than there are.

Meaning any and every study done, no matter how, would have black men dominating totals. With their being absolutely positively zero contest. That is not the case. The average is the average with black men included. Meaning we do not have large even on average.

>In social psychology, a stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. By stereotyping we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. For example, a “hells angel” biker dresses in leather.

What Is Overgeneralizing?

>This is an example of overgeneralizing, which is when you use overly broad language in our evaluations of events or people. You can really hear overgeneralizing in the language people use when they talk about provocations. They use words like “always,” “never,” “everybody,” and “nobody.” This type of thinking and language matters because once you say something always happens to you, you start responding to the pattern of events instead of just the one event that has just happened.

>Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.[1][2][3][4] It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.[2][3] Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities.[2][3][5]

  • n.
    The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  • n.
    Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
  • n.
    The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes.
Like i've said about a million times already. Stereotypes aren't real. They aren't factual. Not in any way shape or form by definition. Stereotypes are over generalizations. Over generalizations are illogical when applied to anyone. Racism is an over generalization. Racism is the belief, much like you have, that stereotypes are genetic. And can be applied to an entire race of people. Meaning it's automatically wrong.

This is what OP said. Where he asked for theories and thoughts on the topic. The topic being the stereotype.

That made 0 sense lol! Great copy and paste skills, but I still don’t see a source where stereotypes and falsehoods are synonymous. I’ve studied enough psychology to know you have no idea here. Your definitions are emotion based.
Your first point needs serious editing because what!??
That made 0 sense lol! Great copy and paste skills, but I still don’t see a source where stereotypes and falsehoods are synonymous. I’ve studied enough psychology to know you have no idea here. Your definitions are emotion based.
Your first point needs serious editing because what!??

Ok. Lets go a different way. Since you only seem to be able to insult instead of talk. Lets question what you just said about me. That somehow my....definitions...are emotion based.

A little bit about me. I'm 260 pounds. 6 foot even. I have moderately long hair. I'm average looking. Have full lips. Thick thighs. And have an 8 inch long, 6 1/2 girthed penis. For all intents and purposes. I am the stereotype. Not only that but i used to dance alot. Meaning i have a much higher chance of being able to use said big black dick properly to help please others. Be they man, woman or trans if i so fit.

Why exactly, would someone like me. Be in any way shape or form so emotionally damaged by the stereotype that i would lie about it not being true? Why exactly do you think someone in that category would not only lie about black men being bigger but go to these lengths to lie about it? What exactly in your mind is or would be the motivation for that?


If it isn't me telling you stereotypes aren't true because they aren't. Then why do you think i'm saying this? What do you think i'm getting out of this?
Please share an empirical based article that states directly that stereotype and false are synonymous.

So i take it this means you can't answer. Or won't. And know without shadow of doubt i have absolutely zero reason to lie to you. Ok. I'll ask you this then. What are over generalizations?
So i take it this means you can't answer. Or won't. And know without shadow of doubt i have absolutely zero reason to lie to you. Ok. I'll ask you this then. What are over generalizations?

I really don’t care about you lying. I’m asking for you to prove that stereotypes and falsehoods are synonymous for the sake of the topic. lol. That’s your claim, not mine!
I really don’t care about you lying. I’m asking for you to prove that stereotypes and falsehoods are synonymous for the sake of the topic. lol. That’s your claim, not mine!

You've ignored any and all facts this entire time. Acting in a very specific way this entire time. So now you get treated a certain way from this point forward. What is an over generalization? If you don't know, it's fine. Proves my point. If you do know here's your chance to show me and others we're wrong about you.

Choice is yours.
Lol, I’m the least angry on here. And please don’t try to measure my intellectual abilities against someone who is spouting political correctness in favor of discrediting the genetic differences between humans to render himself to the likeness of whiteness. How about you crack open a psychology book and study what a stereotype is, and not what you think it ought to be with respect to your personal feelings on the subject. Excessive words doesn’t make one smart.

I’ve already enumerated some of the genetic differences between people of African descent and those of European descent (nose, hair, lips, muscle structure, bone structure, buttocks size in woman, and penises). Black genes are dominant genes. I’m aware that African Americans are on average 12-20% European, but our features still greatly prevail. And you do not even know if I’m African American. You assumed. (But I am Black.)

Again, the argument that White men tried to dehumanize Black people because of our features does not negate the fact that our features are real! Our features are not a stereotype! They’ve just been caricaturized for the supremacy of Whites. If our dicks were not, in fact, bigger than theirs, why in the hell would they create the myth!? Our skin was considered dirty, but that does not negate the fact that we do have dark skin.

You can disagree all you want. There is variation in size within races, but the OP was speaking about averages.

Four words to study: average, stereotype, myth, and genetics. If people understood these words, this thread would go a lot more smoothly.
Calm down kid. You are angry and you and I both know it. I don't deny certain aspects of genetics. We can all see that genetics play a part in certain physical characteristics due to many different factors such as climate and what is culturally appealing to certain racial groups but that still does not prove that black men are all hung like horses. Again I've been with enough races to know that it is a myth but seems to be a myth that black men such as yourself want to hang onto for whatever reason. Until you can give me scientific proof concerning genitalia size as it relates to race then I'm not trying to be bothered because the same books that you are claiming prove this information were more than likely written by men of European descent who are biased. The very same men who started something called Eugenics. You may not know what that is so look it up. You are conflating some of the obvious characteristics of our physical being with something as variant as penis length.

Furthermore, I'm not getting why you continue to try to liken the comparison of what was felt about dark skin being dirty to the fact that it was dark and how that relates. Seems like if you are making the comparison of the myth concerning black penis size being true that the myth about dark skin being dirty also true and not the fact that it is dark. I need you to pay closer attention to some of your comparisons before you get on your soap box and make a fool of yourself.

Now back to the topic at hand. I need you to do your research from other points of view and stop taking everything you read as gospel when the people who have done the supposed research are not people that look like you. I mean you say you are a black man not necessarily a Black American. Ha. Foolishness. regardless of what kind of black man you are you got the message. Know this. There has not been any definitive research done on penis size to come to the conclusions that you so wish to believe. Regardless of what you'd like to think penis size is not a primary focus of geneticists, psychologists, or any other academian. Stop looking at porn and thinking it's a true reflection of the world. The porn industry is about making money and the myth is what sells kid.
You've ignored any and all facts this entire time. Acting in a very specific way this entire time. So now you get treated a certain way from this point forward. What is an over generalization? If you don't know, it's fine. Proves my point. If you do know here's your chance to show me and others we're wrong about you.

Choice is yours.

Great deflection tactic. Lol, I can easily google a definition of a word if I were unaware so not sure what your method is here. I’ll idle by until you prove that stereotypes are falsehood. That’s my choice. Until then, I’ll happily enjoy reading the Big Black Dick Experience thread where it’s actually entertaining to hear about people’s experience!
I really did not read any further because I never made this claim.
Of course you wouldn't. I'm still waiting on you to supply these sources concerning the averages of penis size so that I can show you why you are wrong. I'll be sure to check them out and then get back to you on why they are flawed and biased. Go ahead and find these so called studies from geneticists, psychologists, and whoever else you are led to believe. I've got time since this means so much to you lol :)