Damn, nature! You're one sexy beast! (awesome photos)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Imma refrain from commenting on this nature photo until squally puts a hat on him.


Closed Account
Ok, so I´m necroing an old thread here, but I´ve upgraded from using my phone to having a real camera. And one of the very first images I shot with it was this one of a bee and I´m rather proud of it.


And I´m still learning how to get good pictures, but if you´re interested I´ll post a few more.


Closed Account
Last one, I promise.

Keep in mind, I´m still learning how to work the camera, I´m getting there, but yeah, its a long way to go before I can produce anything near as good as the other stuff in this thread.

Also, I haven´t touched these up in photoshop, so this is the raw image without anything to make them look better.



Closed Account
Well, I´ve got quite the collection. So post some of your own to prevent me from taking over this thread completely. :)

Also, out of curiosity, what camera do you have?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Great pics, unicorn! Wish I had a SLR myself. I just have a regular digital camera. :(

I need a new lens or two.

Did I mention that kids are hard on lenses?

Not mad at all.

Are your kids still this little? Not saying you seem old or anything, but I'd thought your kids are like teenies already considering as "mature" as you seem. :dunno:
Are your kids still this little? Not saying you seem old or anything, but I'd thought your kids are like teenies already considering as "mature" as you seem. :dunno:

My kids range from 5 to 12. It's alarming how even the older ones can break things.

Wait, did you just call me old?