I just started the video and I wanna point out. The reason why first season looks wonky is because half or most of the members of the animation team got sick while Covid was just starting to spread in Japan. Since the series already started airing by that point they had to do two changes: lower quality and skip an arc 😭
I think besides the recent time shenanigans, the times Yashiro traveled in the past _did_ happen. This is because Amane seemed to recognize Yashiro when she went back in time to when he was in middle school, and seemed rather shocked to see her. Which put into the context that he met her as a child, and now he’s seeing her years later without seemingly aging at all….. yeah I’d be confused and freaked out too. I also wonder if by making that wish to meet Nene again is a factor that changed his fate, along with others. After all, the only realistic way he could’ve met her was as a ghost, which means he would have to be dead.
Yeah but child amane knew her name so I don't think middle school him knew it was her cuz when she left, he said something like "that girl has nice legs" if he knew it was her, he wouldn't have said "that girl"
I think he was shocked cuz at that time, school was ending and no one was around and I'd be pretty surprised too if I was supposed to be alone in a class in school and some random in a weird outfit ran in acting like she knew me
6:05 elaborating on this: its implied that kou poisoned mitsuba because mitsuba was stuck in a contract with tsukasa. both of them were unhappy working at the opera and wanted to leave, but mitsuba couldnt as long as he could sing. thus, kou poisons him, and they both run away together (shown in the last art of the event). i
Amane's cause of death is suicide. It was heavily implied throughout the story, but was 99% confirmed in the read house arc, where it was mentioned that a murder-suicide occured there. It was explicitly confirmed in chapter 91, when tsukasa alludes to it and in the background we have a picture of amane pointing a knife at his stomach
for the ending I honestly think the happiest ending could be but just nene dies and they live happily ever after I know that probably won’t happen because it’s still incredibly sad and wouldn’t make sense for the series but let me cope. I want them to be together.
@@JuliBeannz she didn't cover them being revived, though its is the best possibility for everything to be a happy ending. But u know, we've seen enough animes to know that reviving an already dead person is extremely taboo and way too unrealistically happy for an anime that has dark elements, or any anime/tv show at all. And like she said in the video, it will most likely that tbhk will have a tragic ending
Remember the first episode hanako says they are bound together in this life AND the next? I think Hanako and the other mysteries move on and they meet in another life both as humans ❤️
actually, when it comes to hanako of the opera, kou didn’t poison mitsuba just to ensure that yashiro was the star. he saw that tsukasa (who played the role of a phantom teaching mitsuba to sing) was abusing him and working him to the bone, and that mitsuba had lost all his joy for singing because of this- so, kou poisoned him to save him from tsukasa. there’s even a cute picture of them in the epilogue walking together, mitsuba happily singing! :)
I like the believe Yashiro lives because some speculate the events of TBHK already happened since at the end of chapter 1, Nene had a monolog of her meeting the 7th school mystery. She could be telling these events to her grandchildren or hell, maybe to Hanako. I can see a possible outcome similar to the ending of Monsters Inc. and the cut scene of the ending. Nene pays Hanako a visit but she ages each time. These annual visits are wholesome as Nene has the opportunity to share her life to Hanako, something he always wanted her to have. However, these events abruptly end as Nene has reached her 90 years on Earth. Another bittersweet ending would Hanako being free from purgatory as God welcomes him to Heaven (or Hell). Hanako can be Nene's guardian angel until they meet again in the afterlife.
So correction about the realm of everywhere and nowhere Ive been rereading tbhk recently and reached the sumire arc And the realm of everywhere and nowhere is mentioned again in the elevator chapter Also, I could only see tbhk getting either a really tragic ending or a bittersweet one🥲
2:14 hanako wasnt saved by god acctually, 4 yr old tsu sacrifised himself for saving amane... he made the wish to an apparition under red house[ the house they lived in]
@@familbar7571 i also think that he did suicide, but i dont think the translation is like that, cuz i googled it up and jibaku means "It is not received that oneself died", so i think it means like that hanako does not accept that he killed tsukasa, and about the suicide i think he didn't just did that because he couldn't bear the pain of killing his brother, but maybe he did that so he could meet tsukasa again
I honestly hope that Yashiro becomes the 8th school mystery and Kou becomes a supernatural so Kou, Mitsuba, Yashiro, and Hanako can all “live” together happily
Apparently I forgot most of what happened from chapters 70-100 and didn’t realise until I went through the manga again to edit this. So if some stuff has been confirmed (like the Tsukasa not being Tsukasa thing) and I said it hasn’t been yet, my bad haha
@Ashley-bd8po pretty sure this is true because we see Tsukasa going back to see and wonders how hanako will kill him (that one chapter where kou and yashiro leave the red house and suddenly baby tsukasa is burning alongside the red house)
i feel like if tbhk had a happy ending it would be yashiro had one wish left and with that wish is made hanako human and if hanako was human he would study hard to find a cure to make yashiro live longer . i hope this is a good ending ( i made this ending lol )
8:27 Though for Hanako-kun only those who are near death can summon him or those who have a connection to the far shore like Kou with his exorcist blood
Back in Greek mythology pandora opened her box and all emotions and feelings was let out except hope, that’s why everyone seeks hope but you can’t ever get it😔
Based on the book that Hanako was reading…what if Tsukasa’s murder went something like this? Tsukasa (the original one) wasn’t fully in the red house, maybe he had to share the body with the spirit. But it was getting so hard to do anything for him he tries to kill himself, Amane finds him and after some begging he ends up agreeing to kill Tsukasa, somebody finds him and I think you get the general idea. Maybe the god and real Tsukasa then split after the body was unusable, but that’s just and idea.
I’ve had a lingering question about Hanako and Yashiro’s contract. What happens when Yashiro graduates? Hanako is taking half the burden of the curse and Yashiro is bearing the other half. When Yashiro graduates, she won’t be fulfilling her half of her contract by cleaning the bathroom. Or if hanako disappears, he won’t fulfill his half. If neither are constantly doing their part, the curse will come back into effect and it might do a double or nothing. Devil’s in the details, folks.
I think I’m so hung up on it because he has the most motivation to do something? Tsuchigomori is very attached to his students, especially Hanako, it makes sense for his character to sacrifice himself at some point.
The manga is confusing, but it not once you know everything, and i like the new chapters (changes) but i noticed that natsuhiko killed mitsuba (as a supernatural, since once their dead, their gone) before the timeline changed so if they find a way to change it back, will he be gone? Or maybe they go back enough to where hes a supernatural
Yeah! And a lot of teachers and students also died (or became plants? Idk). I feel like they’d have to go back in time at least a little bit when they return to fix it all.
tbhk honestly is giving me happy ending vibes, but I’m not sure exactly *how* it’s gonna go about. idk, but all the sad things in tbhk only seem temporary to me, despite how things are currently. actually nvm it could also be a bittersweet ending but I don’t want to think abt that…
I also think there isnt really the possibility for a happy-end, because hanako is dead and cant leave the school building. for a real happy end he would have to become human again but i think this is not possible. so the happiest ending for them would probably be that they both die and can live together as school mysteries... But actually there would be another happy-end if they die, because its possible that they get reincarnated and meet each other again or something (like in "darling in the franxx")
This is my theory, I think amane/hanako outlive bc I remember that people were saying that, tsukasa it’s not his actual self, he is or has a demon with him and probably tsukasa probably offer his self to the demon so amane/hanako can live longer or just live
2:44 (PLEASE READ FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING, SPOILERS INCLUDED) actually, the tsukasa which grows up with amane is the real tsukasa, but he is MERGED with the god. in the red house arc, we see that while the house is burning down, something spoke from inside him, the 4 year old tsukasa which was trapped in the red house. it was that god, he was living inside his body, tsukasa himself was a "weird" kid from the start, his soul and the entity which he sacrificed himself for merged together and that entity began living inside tsukasa. well obviously, tsukasa does act really weird sometimes due to that entity. it is also revealed that in the past, after amane and tsukasa's 4th birthday, tsukasa had went missing for 6 months and 1 day. this was the time where he was in the red house, trapped. the tsukasa which yashiro and kou met was indeed the small tsukasa, but with the god merged inside of him aswell. the time in which they met him was when tsukasa was missing after their 4th birthday. so, somehow, the 50 years in the present timeline was equivalent to 6 months and 1 day in the old timeline. kou reveals to the tsukasa inside the red house that amane would kill both him and himself at 13, which makes tsukasa want to go back, and is the reason why he suddenly reappears after disappearing, but, the one which returned, knew that amane would kill him when they would turn 13. so their mother also noticed that the tsukasa which was back was strange, and claimed that tsukasa was not her child, and even amane did eventually. sooo..we can say that yashiro and kou somehow timetravelled inside the red house. 3:35 tsukasa abusing amane is a FALSE theory which blew up. it is all FAKE AND TSUKASA NEVER ABUSED AMANE. i actually really appreciate you making a video like this, it is really accurate, and includes good lore. good job!!
Like u said I think that Hanako and Yashiro will both become school mysteries or be joined together some way. However, I think someone important cease to exist before the series is over, probably by sacrifice to make a attempt to save Yashiro. If the return to what seems like the original timeline and kou is restored. I think either him or mitsuba or tsuhigomori will “die”. If one of the school mysteries dies then Yashiro will take that spot, if not she will either become the 8th mystery or be the other part of the 7th
Have u read the latest manga chapter? Here's my theory after reading it and it's gonna contain some heavy spoilers: . . . . . . . . . . . Hanako/Amane in this new timeline has grown up to be a science teacher but also turned to be something extremely evil. So it is probably the original timeline. Now, my theory is that Amane somehow in the past found out that he would become that monster. May be he accidentally read his own book inside Tsuchigomori's library? May be keep reading the book even after it turns read is what allows him change his future? May be that is why reading the red book is forbidden since it might give u the power to change what was written? Well, back to Amane finding out his future: Yes, he would live long and be a teacher, but he would also turn himself to be that murderous creature, his twin brother got stuck in the house as an evil spirit, his parents died too because of it, and the worst thing is he would unalive more innocent souls to feed the house. So, after finding out all of this, and seeing Tsukasa was no longer Tsukasa, Amane probably chose to cut short his future, just like Tsuchigomori said in the first season. I'm assuming at this point Amane knew already about his childhood crush (Nene-neesan) came from the future. So, it's between growing up to become a monster or died to meet your childhood crush as an apparition. Call me childish, I'd chose the latter. And before this, he unalived Tsukasa first, since his twin brother was doomed already in both future. Which bring us to the so-called original timeline: Amane became Hanako, Nene summoned him, etc. My theory about the ending is that, after defeating whatever it is inside Tsukasa, Nene would still die. But since she had the mermaid's curse, she'd become the 8th wonder.
I think Yashiro dying and staying with Hanako is the best ending... XD And the ending with them not meeting ever will be the most sad ending although they will be alive... Love>life Life without love is death Death with love is life Christianity is all about it btw.
I loved the anime’s art style and animation. The art might not have been as good as the manga, but it’s still such a great anime with an amazing storyline.
I think I was a little harsh, I don’t hate the animation at all. They did a lovely job of bringing the art to life and colouring it! It’s just some really jank scenes and mishaps that irk me
I think the Yashiro Go left the exist, Think about it, she would probably sacrifice herself to cease to exist to save Amane. And maybe she became a Mistery the School. But I can't see a world where Amane would let her die so now everything is a fic Thinking that Yashiro traveled through time and stopped Amane from killing Tsukasa and for some reason she ceased to exist. Maybe she's just left as one of the school's mysteries and Amane tries to make a request and she, hearing this, approaches him in the same way he approached her when he was one of the mysteries too.
happiest ending: hanako and mitsuba somehow become human, yashiro’s live span is normal, hanako and yashiro get tgth, mitsuba and kou get tgth, aoi and akane get tgth, no more deaths or supernaturals, everyone lives happily!!! (im delusional)
I’m pretty sure Hanako thought that Tsu was replaced by something because of when Tsukasa came back from being lost and hugged him. So in that case, he spent years trying to find Tsukasa but I don’t really know what could’ve happened after that? Maybe the demon possessing Tsukasa manipulated him into thinking Tsukasa is gone and that it was his fault? And I think when Tsukasa was about to die maybe just maybe the demon possessing Tsukasa let the actual Tsukasa talk to Amane…? Smthn like that? Then died. And Tsukasa said in chapter 88 (I think its ch 88) that hanako took “the easy way out” with a picture of amane holding a knife to his chest. Hanako killed himself. :( Poor babies ;( I feel bad for everyone in this series I swear 😭 Oh also I think when Kou and Nene went into the red house for the first time, we saw a person hanging, that might’ve been the yugi twins’ dad. I’m pretty sure the parents killed themselves after seeing their two only sons both dead. 🥲
It was mentioned before that yashiro could only survive if every yorishiro would get destroyed. I guess that would mean no more school wonders:( But as we all know, hanako really wants her to survive and grow old. That’s why I think the most reasonable ending would be nene staying alive with her friends but forgetting everything about the supernatural stuff because they kinda don’t exist anymore at least in her eyes. It’s a bittersweet ending because hanako would sacrifice everything including himself for her future and happiness. Eventually, hanako is the supernatural summoned by yashiro and his duty is to grant her final wish. I still hope aida iro at least shows us scenes where they meet in their next life or afterlife happily ever after. PLS I LUV HANANENE SO MUCH I CANT STAND SEEING THEM SEPARATED IN THE ENDING AAAH💔🛐 (Btw every time yashiro destroys a yorishiro we will get to see the backstory, bcuz of that my theory is that someday she might has to destroy hanakos yorishiro on tsukasas cheek and therefore their past will get revealed to us! I can imagine that emotional dramatic climax being almost at the end of the tbhk story… idk how to feel abt this guys) Y’all tell me ur opinion on thisss
i honestly think amane/hanako suicided because he couldn’t take the amount of grief he had from doing it (my personal opinion) (also no wonder why hanako wasn’t spawning in my bathroom! I wasn’t on the third floor 😭) also for a bittersweet ending for tbhk i feel would be yashiro dying. yes i said she DIES super bitter am i right but she ends up being with hanako for the rest of her ‘life’ or should I say death.. who knows but, anyways, we already know how some of the people at the school can see the school mysteries right? and how you mentioned Yashiro could become mystery eight that could be what happens and since kou and teru can see mystery’s they could still be friends and everything bc it’s not stopping them from being friends with hanako and hes a spirit and they could still be with mitsuba and everyone else so that’s so very bittersweet am i right??
Amane figured out that the 'thing' known as tsukasa isnt really his twin brother. Its already in the manga when hanako confesses that hes been confused ever since the police found tsukasa. Thats why he killed him.
Not me linking things unnecessarily but... Yugi twins birthday: Nov 25, 1955...... Junko furuta case started on Nov 25,1988 (well last two digits of both years is a repetition)
Hi hello super flipping late to the party but I just have to say it because the pilot is just so much better than the current start of tbhk. I just think that in the pilot the fact they pulled up these like "punishments" or "strikes" from the gods is amazing and explaining that there's multiple generations makes everything feel very interesting and logical. I wish they kept the strikes thing and I wish that there was more than just nene asking for a wish to be grant I think that for sure interested me more than it being the most popular wonder yet never actually see anybody else ask for a wish. (please do correct me if i'm wrong though I have not read the entire anime cause I'm a lazy shit but wtv.)
*spoilers tbhk if you havent read the manga* in the manga in the recent chapter natsuhiko is imortal, correct me if im wrong but they never said how or why he is and they never explain his love or obsession with sakura. im hoping in the more chapters they explain about what or who they are
My idea of a happy ending is that somehow hanako is not a ghost and lives as a teacher, yashiro doesnt die but forgets all about him, and lives on her life. Amane probably wouldnt remember her either, but if ut was possible they did meet alive, they might have some sort of connection. Idk im just rambling tho
My theory for the ending is that Yashiro ends up joining or becoming the 7th mystery. The school’s 7th mystery becomes either “Hanako-San AND the mermaid of the bathroom” or just “The mermaid of the bathroom.” We know that ever since Hanako swallowed the scale Nene and his fates were tied under an incredibly powerful bond which we know can’t be severed easily. The way Yashiro would join the 7th mystery is her time span comes to an end and they are unable to save it. Hanako finds a way to make Yashiro supernatural (possibly Tsuchigomoei changes future and erases his own existence??) and she joins Hanako’s school mystery or just hangs around him to be with him forever. OR Yashiro takes his spot as the school mystery by Hanako literally giving up his spot and going to the far shore forever so Yashiro may live on as a mystery of the school.
You’re right, I had that in the original script because I thought that was what happened, but when I went to check, it was just never said outright at any point?? So idk
About the tsuchigomori theory didn't he relinquish his spot as a mystery therefore he cannot reach his boundary and there fore the books are not a thing he can reach?
Surprisingly, he actually still can! I don’t remember the chapter, but it was when Kou went to ask him for help with saving Yashiro, he showed him that he still has access to the books. I assume he would need to be a school mystery to use the ‘altering fate’ thing, but he can always be reinstated :)
You said that tsuchigomori can alter someone’s fate, so maybe he will use it for yashiro’s life span because it would make Hanako “happy” And with that wish left over Hanako will maybe give the wish to nene since he doesn’t need it anymore. But maybe Sakura told yashiro her story and her only wish is to go outside, and yashiro having a kind soul will maybe make two wishes instead of one like saying “I wish that Sakura and Hanako turn into human” but I mean like they stay the same but just breathing. So that they can all get what they want and maybe they will go back to the red house so that Hanako can see his real brother again. And everyone will be happy So this is the only good ending Thanks for reading😊
Uhhh this is gonna be really stupid but maybe the spider dude (I forgot his name already) can change the time and yashiro and hanako are born in the same time line?
kou poisoned mitsuba, and it's really implied that mitsuba actually knew kou poisoned him. It's really, really crazy lmfao. Kou poisoned mitsuba because: mitsuba was stuck in a contract with tsukasa, kou notes that mitsuba doesn't sing as well as he used to, like he doesn't enjoy it. Things lead to kou poisoning mitsubas juice and mitsuba getting poisoned and falling asleep, kou and mitsuba run away. iirc kou has a conversation with sakura and sakura wishes them well, apparently kou got them a whole villa too 😭 anyway, kou and mitsuba run away and it's kinda shown in the last art of the hanako of the opera au
I just started the video and I wanna point out. The reason why first season looks wonky is because half or most of the members of the animation team got sick while Covid was just starting to spread in Japan. Since the series already started airing by that point they had to do two changes: lower quality and skip an arc 😭
ohhhh that makes a lot more sense 😭
that makes sense cause the second season animation is so good
I think besides the recent time shenanigans, the times Yashiro traveled in the past _did_ happen. This is because Amane seemed to recognize Yashiro when she went back in time to when he was in middle school, and seemed rather shocked to see her. Which put into the context that he met her as a child, and now he’s seeing her years later without seemingly aging at all….. yeah I’d be confused and freaked out too.
I also wonder if by making that wish to meet Nene again is a factor that changed his fate, along with others. After all, the only realistic way he could’ve met her was as a ghost, which means he would have to be dead.
Yeah but child amane knew her name so I don't think middle school him knew it was her cuz when she left, he said something like "that girl has nice legs" if he knew it was her, he wouldn't have said "that girl"
I think he was shocked cuz at that time, school was ending and no one was around and I'd be pretty surprised too if I was supposed to be alone in a class in school and some random in a weird outfit ran in acting like she knew me
it would be interesting if the 8th Rumour was based on this
like, "the apparition of a girl who will foretell your future" and stuff for nene
6:05 elaborating on this: its implied that kou poisoned mitsuba because mitsuba was stuck in a contract with tsukasa. both of them were unhappy working at the opera and wanted to leave, but mitsuba couldnt as long as he could sing. thus, kou poisons him, and they both run away together (shown in the last art of the event). i
awww that’s oddly sweet! I’m not super familiar with the event as I don’t use Twitter, thanks for clarifying!
Amane's cause of death is suicide. It was heavily implied throughout the story, but was 99% confirmed in the read house arc, where it was mentioned that a murder-suicide occured there. It was explicitly confirmed in chapter 91, when tsukasa alludes to it and in the background we have a picture of amane pointing a knife at his stomach
for the ending I honestly think the happiest ending could be but just nene dies and they live happily ever after I know that probably won’t happen because it’s still incredibly sad and wouldn’t make sense for the series but let me cope. I want them to be together.
i feel like the happiest ending possible is hanako and mitsuba getting revived- i haven’t started the vid so idk if that was covered as a topic
@@JuliBeannz she didn't cover them being revived, though its is the best possibility for everything to be a happy ending. But u know, we've seen enough animes to know that reviving an already dead person is extremely taboo and way too unrealistically happy for an anime that has dark elements, or any anime/tv show at all. And like she said in the video, it will most likely that tbhk will have a tragic ending
Nene will go on with her life surrounded by her friends, minus hanako, it's gonna be that kind of shit ending
@ it better not be
Remember the first episode hanako says they are bound together in this life AND the next? I think Hanako and the other mysteries move on and they meet in another life both as humans ❤️
Aww, that would be a sweet way to end it
that’s actually a good point aww
actually, when it comes to hanako of the opera, kou didn’t poison mitsuba just to ensure that yashiro was the star. he saw that tsukasa (who played the role of a phantom teaching mitsuba to sing) was abusing him and working him to the bone, and that mitsuba had lost all his joy for singing because of this- so, kou poisoned him to save him from tsukasa. there’s even a cute picture of them in the epilogue walking together, mitsuba happily singing! :)
I like the believe Yashiro lives because some speculate the events of TBHK already happened since at the end of chapter 1, Nene had a monolog of her meeting the 7th school mystery. She could be telling these events to her grandchildren or hell, maybe to Hanako. I can see a possible outcome similar to the ending of Monsters Inc. and the cut scene of the ending. Nene pays Hanako a visit but she ages each time. These annual visits are wholesome as Nene has the opportunity to share her life to Hanako, something he always wanted her to have. However, these events abruptly end as Nene has reached her 90 years on Earth.
Another bittersweet ending would Hanako being free from purgatory as God welcomes him to Heaven (or Hell). Hanako can be Nene's guardian angel until they meet again in the afterlife.
the manga made me cry so much
For real, my heart breaks 😭
@@Mena-And-Thy I'm scared, but now i need to read this manga.
OMG BSD MENTION?!?! That was a crossover I did not see coming
@@welovebottomdazaiwhat an interesting username
So correction about the realm of everywhere and nowhere
Ive been rereading tbhk recently and reached the sumire arc
And the realm of everywhere and nowhere is mentioned again in the elevator chapter
Also, I could only see tbhk getting either a really tragic ending or a bittersweet one🥲
2:14 hanako wasnt saved by god acctually, 4 yr old tsu sacrifised himself for saving amane... he made the wish to an apparition under red house[ the house they lived in]
That day amane lost his brother TT
we wont really say that it was an apparition, but, it was indeed a god, to which the the kannagis of the akane family (mostly girls) were sacrificed.
3:25 theirs a panel where he is in a position where like before he would k*ll himself with the knife so I think it’s very implied that he did su*cide
Im pretty sure that the literal translation of the original title from tbhk is "suicide boy hanako kun" yk jibaku shounen hanako kun
@@familbar7571 yes
@@familbar7571 i also think that he did suicide, but i dont think the translation is like that, cuz i googled it up and jibaku means "It is not received that oneself died", so i think it means like that hanako does not accept that he killed tsukasa, and about the suicide i think he didn't just did that because he couldn't bear the pain of killing his brother, but maybe he did that so he could meet tsukasa again
@@familbar7571jibaku is earth-bound, jisatsu is suicide
This is all a dream hanako and yashiro are happy irl
Let me be delusional pls
I honestly hope that Yashiro becomes the 8th school mystery and Kou becomes a supernatural so Kou, Mitsuba, Yashiro, and Hanako can all “live” together happily
Tsuchigomori is just a bystander and idk how to feel 😭
Tomoyo pfp and tbhk fan
Also! Sakura in Bonus Comics for Volume 21 mentions that she knows everything about hell, that would explain where'd she came from
I have high hopes for season 2✨✨
I love how tbhk can make you feel so happy and also make you feel like you're dying inside at the same time.
Apparently I forgot most of what happened from chapters 70-100 and didn’t realise until I went through the manga again to edit this. So if some stuff has been confirmed (like the Tsukasa not being Tsukasa thing) and I said it hasn’t been yet, my bad haha
im pretty sure the tsukasa that we see is the real tsukasa
@Ashley-bd8po pretty sure this is true because we see Tsukasa going back to see and wonders how hanako will kill him (that one chapter where kou and yashiro leave the red house and suddenly baby tsukasa is burning alongside the red house)
i have dreameddd for someone to make a tbhk iceberg omg i can’t believe this is real i’m so happy
Oh my god i just clicked this video and can't believe it exists. Jshk is so underrated i barely see videos about it
Also, that no. 6 (Hakubo) has the ability to resurrect dead people, as mentioned by Natsuhiko in the school sleepover arc.
The way I JUMPED after hear mori's name. 11:35
i feel like if tbhk had a happy ending it would be yashiro had one wish left and with that wish is made hanako human and if hanako was human he would study hard to find a cure to make yashiro live longer . i hope this is a good ending ( i made this ending lol )
do you like it !!!???😭😭😭
This video makes me wanna reread the manga bc im behind and lowkey forgot everything 😭
8:27 Though for Hanako-kun only those who are near death can summon him or those who have a connection to the far shore like Kou with his exorcist blood
The story is just so messed up i have forgotten most of it.
Back in Greek mythology pandora opened her box and all emotions and feelings was let out except hope, that’s why everyone seeks hope but you can’t ever get it😔
Hanako is honestly such a sad story... And I'm in love with it
Based on the book that Hanako was reading…what if Tsukasa’s murder went something like this?
Tsukasa (the original one) wasn’t fully in the red house, maybe he had to share the body with the spirit. But it was getting so hard to do anything for him he tries to kill himself, Amane finds him and after some begging he ends up agreeing to kill Tsukasa, somebody finds him and I think you get the general idea.
Maybe the god and real Tsukasa then split after the body was unusable, but that’s just and idea.
I’ve had a lingering question about Hanako and Yashiro’s contract. What happens when Yashiro graduates? Hanako is taking half the burden of the curse and Yashiro is bearing the other half. When Yashiro graduates, she won’t be fulfilling her half of her contract by cleaning the bathroom. Or if hanako disappears, he won’t fulfill his half. If neither are constantly doing their part, the curse will come back into effect and it might do a double or nothing. Devil’s in the details, folks.
guess she’ll become a janitor 🤷♂️
Tsuchigomori is powerful, and yes he can alter time but so can all the other characters. Like the clock keepers.
I think I’m so hung up on it because he has the most motivation to do something? Tsuchigomori is very attached to his students, especially Hanako, it makes sense for his character to sacrifice himself at some point.
Hanako kun was actually 13 when he died
Good pick up! Whoops
The manga is confusing, but it not once you know everything, and i like the new chapters (changes) but i noticed that natsuhiko killed mitsuba (as a supernatural, since once their dead, their gone) before the timeline changed so if they find a way to change it back, will he be gone? Or maybe they go back enough to where hes a supernatural
Yeah! And a lot of teachers and students also died (or became plants? Idk). I feel like they’d have to go back in time at least a little bit when they return to fix it all.
BSD, Link Click AND Tbhk?? All my top favorite in ONE video, is this my birthday? 🎉 nicely done, I loved it
8:04 pov watching this after ch 120:
Being right hurts so much
I hope the ending is good just cuz I feel like if shi hits the fan and its sad, I'll be bitter about it
tbhk honestly is giving me happy ending vibes, but I’m not sure exactly *how* it’s gonna go about. idk, but all the sad things in tbhk only seem temporary to me, despite how things are currently.
actually nvm it could also be a bittersweet ending but I don’t want to think abt that…
And in a JSHK video!?!?
This is perfect
My theory is that Honiko’s bully was his brother , and then for some reason or another Honiko off’s him self and that’s why he changed his future! ❤
I love BSD and TBHK I love u mentioned bsd in this video 😭 Amazing video, tho My dear living dead has already traumatized me
Aidairo told me they all come to life and dance together in the end trust
I also think there isnt really the possibility for a happy-end, because hanako is dead and cant leave the school building. for a real happy end he would have to become human again but i think this is not possible. so the happiest ending for them would probably be that they both die and can live together as school mysteries...
But actually there would be another happy-end if they die, because its possible that they get reincarnated and meet each other again or something (like in "darling in the franxx")
This is my theory, I think amane/hanako outlive bc I remember that people were saying that, tsukasa it’s not his actual self, he is or has a demon with him and probably tsukasa probably offer his self to the demon so amane/hanako can live longer or just live
For the part on Tsuchigomori, I thought it was implied in the story the reason he has not changed anything was because he already used it with Hanako.
2:44 (PLEASE READ FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING, SPOILERS INCLUDED) actually, the tsukasa which grows up with amane is the real tsukasa, but he is MERGED with the god. in the red house arc, we see that while the house is burning down, something spoke from inside him, the 4 year old tsukasa which was trapped in the red house. it was that god, he was living inside his body, tsukasa himself was a "weird" kid from the start, his soul and the entity which he sacrificed himself for merged together and that entity began living inside tsukasa. well obviously, tsukasa does act really weird sometimes due to that entity. it is also revealed that in the past, after amane and tsukasa's 4th birthday, tsukasa had went missing for 6 months and 1 day. this was the time where he was in the red house, trapped. the tsukasa which yashiro and kou met was indeed the small tsukasa, but with the god merged inside of him aswell. the time in which they met him was when tsukasa was missing after their 4th birthday. so, somehow, the 50 years in the present timeline was equivalent to 6 months and 1 day in the old timeline. kou reveals to the tsukasa inside the red house that amane would kill both him and himself at 13, which makes tsukasa want to go back, and is the reason why he suddenly reappears after disappearing, but, the one which returned, knew that amane would kill him when they would turn 13. so their mother also noticed that the tsukasa which was back was strange, and claimed that tsukasa was not her child, and even amane did eventually. sooo..we can say that yashiro and kou somehow timetravelled inside the red house.
3:35 tsukasa abusing amane is a FALSE theory which blew up. it is all FAKE AND TSUKASA NEVER ABUSED AMANE.
i actually really appreciate you making a video like this, it is really accurate, and includes good lore. good job!!
Like u said I think that Hanako and Yashiro will both become school mysteries or be joined together some way. However, I think someone important cease to exist before the series is over, probably by sacrifice to make a attempt to save Yashiro. If the return to what seems like the original timeline and kou is restored. I think either him or mitsuba or tsuhigomori will “die”. If one of the school mysteries dies then Yashiro will take that spot, if not she will either become the 8th mystery or be the other part of the 7th
oooo omg i like the idea of nene becoming the next school wonder
0:51 thank god i started out with the blueray without realising it..
Have u read the latest manga chapter? Here's my theory after reading it and it's gonna contain some heavy spoilers:
Hanako/Amane in this new timeline has grown up to be a science teacher but also turned to be something extremely evil. So it is probably the original timeline.
Now, my theory is that Amane somehow in the past found out that he would become that monster. May be he accidentally read his own book inside Tsuchigomori's library? May be keep reading the book even after it turns read is what allows him change his future? May be that is why reading the red book is forbidden since it might give u the power to change what was written?
Well, back to Amane finding out his future:
Yes, he would live long and be a teacher, but he would also turn himself to be that murderous creature, his twin brother got stuck in the house as an evil spirit, his parents died too because of it, and the worst thing is he would unalive more innocent souls to feed the house.
So, after finding out all of this, and seeing Tsukasa was no longer Tsukasa, Amane probably chose to cut short his future, just like Tsuchigomori said in the first season. I'm assuming at this point Amane knew already about his childhood crush (Nene-neesan) came from the future. So, it's between growing up to become a monster or died to meet your childhood crush as an apparition. Call me childish, I'd chose the latter. And before this, he unalived Tsukasa first, since his twin brother was doomed already in both future.
Which bring us to the so-called original timeline: Amane became Hanako, Nene summoned him, etc.
My theory about the ending is that, after defeating whatever it is inside Tsukasa, Nene would still die. But since she had the mermaid's curse, she'd become the 8th wonder.
So true me from 6 months ago
thank you, this iceberg theme has been enjoyable
i respectfully disagree in that i think the anime art is lovely and unique
Can we talk abt that key nene took in the tea party arc, from amane? She just had it and hid it from hanako and we never saw it again
did a reread and noticed it!!! what could nene have done with it and what could have nanaimo done without it since she affected his timeline then?
i see tbhk, i click 🔥🔥🔥
I think Yashiro dying and staying with Hanako is the best ending... XD
And the ending with them not meeting ever will be the most sad ending although they will be alive...
Life without love is death
Death with love is life
Christianity is all about it btw.
2:56 tiaras actually the strongest!!!
this could just be me but i’m 50% sure that in the manga tsukasa reveals that hanako killed himself
he says something along the lines that “you took the easy way out” or smthn like that
tsuchigomori comfirms this. he says that hanako didnt want to do anything with his life and “cut it short”
yeah i could of sworn that in the manga it brought up how amane had killed himself after he killed tsukasa
As soon as I started to watch toilet bound I saw this video crazy timing.
Never knew there was a tbhk iceberg
I loved the anime’s art style and animation. The art might not have been as good as the manga, but it’s still such a great anime with an amazing storyline.
I think I was a little harsh, I don’t hate the animation at all. They did a lovely job of bringing the art to life and colouring it! It’s just some really jank scenes and mishaps that irk me
Also doesn’t it literally say in the manga that the “new timeline” rn is what the original timeline was supposed to be
Norpe, that's just bc hanako's fate was basically reverted back to what it was supposed to be in the original timeline, nuthin else :3
@@Ushinooggy isn’t that basically what I said
@@aokoo9009 I'm so sorry if I knew you were dyslexic I wouldn't have said that
Excuse me are you telling me that the cute anime I watched that one time during Covid has an iceberg??😭
I think the Yashiro Go left the exist, Think about it, she would probably sacrifice herself to cease to exist to save Amane. And maybe she became a Mistery the School.
But I can't see a world where Amane would let her die so now everything is a fic
Thinking that Yashiro traveled through time and stopped Amane from killing Tsukasa and for some reason she ceased to exist. Maybe she's just left as one of the school's mysteries and Amane tries to make a request and she, hearing this, approaches him in the same way he approached her when he was one of the mysteries too.
Me personally I kind of hope yashiro becomes a school mystery with hanako
happiest ending: hanako and mitsuba somehow become human, yashiro’s live span is normal, hanako and yashiro get tgth, mitsuba and kou get tgth, aoi and akane get tgth, no more deaths or supernaturals, everyone lives happily!!! (im delusional)
I’m pretty sure Hanako thought that Tsu was replaced by something because of when Tsukasa came back from being lost and hugged him. So in that case, he spent years trying to find Tsukasa but I don’t really know what could’ve happened after that? Maybe the demon possessing Tsukasa manipulated him into thinking Tsukasa is gone and that it was his fault? And I think when Tsukasa was about to die maybe just maybe the demon possessing Tsukasa let the actual Tsukasa talk to Amane…? Smthn like that? Then died. And Tsukasa said in chapter 88 (I think its ch 88) that hanako took “the easy way out” with a picture of amane holding a knife to his chest. Hanako killed himself. :(
Poor babies ;( I feel bad for everyone in this series I swear 😭 Oh also I think when Kou and Nene went into the red house for the first time, we saw a person hanging, that might’ve been the yugi twins’ dad. I’m pretty sure the parents killed themselves after seeing their two only sons both dead. 🥲
EVERYTHING IS A BSD REFERENCE CONFIRMED??? (the fandom is a jail, my favorite jail 😈)
It was mentioned before that yashiro could only survive if every yorishiro would get destroyed. I guess that would mean no more school wonders:( But as we all know, hanako really wants her to survive and grow old. That’s why I think the most reasonable ending would be nene staying alive with her friends but forgetting everything about the supernatural stuff because they kinda don’t exist anymore at least in her eyes. It’s a bittersweet ending because hanako would sacrifice everything including himself for her future and happiness. Eventually, hanako is the supernatural summoned by yashiro and his duty is to grant her final wish. I still hope aida iro at least shows us scenes where they meet in their next life or afterlife happily ever after. PLS I LUV HANANENE SO MUCH I CANT STAND SEEING THEM SEPARATED IN THE ENDING AAAH💔🛐
(Btw every time yashiro destroys a yorishiro we will get to see the backstory, bcuz of that my theory is that someday she might has to destroy hanakos yorishiro on tsukasas cheek and therefore their past will get revealed to us! I can imagine that emotional dramatic climax being almost at the end of the tbhk story… idk how to feel abt this guys)
Y’all tell me ur opinion on thisss
I hope they end up together, otherwise I cant bear the trauma of nene forgetting hanako
@@astrophile4032 same:((
Ohh dang the layers right here
i honestly think amane/hanako suicided because he couldn’t take the amount of grief he had from doing it (my personal opinion)
(also no wonder why hanako wasn’t spawning in my bathroom! I wasn’t on the third floor 😭)
also for a bittersweet ending for tbhk i feel would be yashiro dying. yes i said she DIES super bitter am i right but she ends up being with hanako for the rest of her ‘life’ or should I say death.. who knows but, anyways, we already know how some of the people at the school can see the school mysteries right? and how you mentioned Yashiro could become mystery eight that could be what happens and since kou and teru can see mystery’s they could still be friends and everything bc it’s not stopping them from being friends with hanako and hes a spirit and they could still be with mitsuba and everyone else so that’s so very bittersweet am i right??
oh and aoi she’s dead so ykwim 🫢🤯
This is amazing
Amane figured out that the 'thing' known as tsukasa isnt really his twin brother. Its already in the manga when hanako confesses that hes been confused ever since the police found tsukasa. Thats why he killed him.
Not me linking things unnecessarily but... Yugi twins birthday: Nov 25, 1955...... Junko furuta case started on Nov 25,1988 (well last two digits of both years is a repetition)
Hi hello super flipping late to the party but I just have to say it because the pilot is just so much better than the current start of tbhk. I just think that in the pilot the fact they pulled up these like "punishments" or "strikes" from the gods is amazing and explaining that there's multiple generations makes everything feel very interesting and logical. I wish they kept the strikes thing and I wish that there was more than just nene asking for a wish to be grant I think that for sure interested me more than it being the most popular wonder yet never actually see anybody else ask for a wish. (please do correct me if i'm wrong though I have not read the entire anime cause I'm a lazy shit but wtv.)
*spoilers tbhk if you havent read the manga* in the manga in the recent chapter natsuhiko is imortal, correct me if im wrong but they never said how or why he is and they never explain his love or obsession with sakura. im hoping in the more chapters they explain about what or who they are
My idea of a happy ending is that somehow hanako is not a ghost and lives as a teacher, yashiro doesnt die but forgets all about him, and lives on her life. Amane probably wouldnt remember her either, but if ut was possible they did meet alive, they might have some sort of connection. Idk im just rambling tho
unfortunately there wont be a happy ending, as Aidalro, the creator of tbhk, doesnt like happy endings
Before I watched this I went on how I think Tsukasa is hanako’s yorishiro and I guess I was right.
(I’ve finished book 7 so I don’t know that.)
My theory for the ending is that Yashiro ends up joining or becoming the 7th mystery. The school’s 7th mystery becomes either “Hanako-San AND the mermaid of the bathroom” or just “The mermaid of the bathroom.” We know that ever since Hanako swallowed the scale Nene and his fates were tied under an incredibly powerful bond which we know can’t be severed easily. The way Yashiro would join the 7th mystery is her time span comes to an end and they are unable to save it. Hanako finds a way to make Yashiro supernatural (possibly Tsuchigomoei changes future and erases his own existence??) and she joins Hanako’s school mystery or just hangs around him to be with him forever. OR Yashiro takes his spot as the school mystery by Hanako literally giving up his spot and going to the far shore forever so Yashiro may live on as a mystery of the school.
I LOVEEE THIS ! I actually learned so much from this even as a manga reader
I could definitely be wrong but wasent it sorta implied that amane killed himself I could be wrong though, i coudl just be too deep into fan theories.
You’re right, I had that in the original script because I thought that was what happened, but when I went to check, it was just never said outright at any point?? So idk
@@VIVIDLIE it’s just heavily implied :)))
pretty sure its implied he killed himself after he killed tsukasa tho
14:08 it's also brought up in the After-School Hanako-Kun ed
About the tsuchigomori theory didn't he relinquish his spot as a mystery therefore he cannot reach his boundary and there fore the books are not a thing he can reach?
Surprisingly, he actually still can! I don’t remember the chapter, but it was when Kou went to ask him for help with saving Yashiro, he showed him that he still has access to the books.
I assume he would need to be a school mystery to use the ‘altering fate’ thing, but he can always be reinstated :)
@@VIVIDLIEI thought he said he saved the book or something like that
@@VIVIDLIE ok that makes more sense because I was super confused about the theory
Found it~ chapter 28, he says he has ways to ‘retrieve’ the books!
You said that tsuchigomori can alter someone’s fate, so maybe he will use it for yashiro’s life span because it would make Hanako “happy”
And with that wish left over Hanako will maybe give the wish to nene since he doesn’t need it anymore. But maybe Sakura told yashiro her story and her only wish is to go outside, and yashiro having a kind soul will maybe make two wishes instead of one like saying “I wish that Sakura and Hanako turn into human” but I mean like they stay the same but just breathing. So that they can all get what they want and maybe they will go back to the red house so that Hanako can see his real brother again. And everyone will be happy
So this is the only good ending
Thanks for reading😊
Uhhh this is gonna be really stupid but maybe the spider dude (I forgot his name already) can change the time and yashiro and hanako are born in the same time line?
11:38 HELP! NOT MORI!!
(this series has me screaming at the top of my lungs if you couldn't tell🥰)
ngl it's only ok for yashiro to die if she is gonna be with hanako😞
7:26 wait are selling the red house or something??
I don't know, I don't think 12 episodes is enough to tell a story.
Season 2 of it is out (btw the manga is still ongoing)
they also skipped over the boy exorcist arc in season 1 💔
Skipping that one was definitely a bad move lol
They should both become school mysteries
I saw a trailer of the new season and it looks way better
Mori ougai…. Mori? 😰 (Bsd reference )
**Araki forgot.** ❌
**Aidairo forgot.** ✅
But in like a good, helping him out kind of way :)
kou poisoned mitsuba, and it's really implied that mitsuba actually knew kou poisoned him. It's really, really crazy lmfao. Kou poisoned mitsuba because: mitsuba was stuck in a contract with tsukasa, kou notes that mitsuba doesn't sing as well as he used to, like he doesn't enjoy it. Things lead to kou poisoning mitsubas juice and mitsuba getting poisoned and falling asleep, kou and mitsuba run away. iirc kou has a conversation with sakura and sakura wishes them well, apparently kou got them a whole villa too 😭 anyway, kou and mitsuba run away and it's kinda shown in the last art of the hanako of the opera au
@@sintracorp4189 aw that's rlly cute
season 2 just got a trailer