That is very true, even if there is more option than just Dark Side vs Light Side, or Paragon vs Renegade, like for example it was in Neverwinter nights what has lots of, versions like, Chaotic good, lawful , Chaotic evil, and etc etc, in the end these always limit you to a certian path.
Witcher did not have this problem, and your actions still had consequence, sometimes long lasting ones, and sometimes, consequence that happened just way later. Cyberpunk also was similar
Badik biggest Weakness is the Affinity system, and the Status system. It goes against the sacred mantra which is " Follow your Heart " . These systems prevent you to do so, because, decesiosn you make that often if not never, has nothing to do wiht the girls, but they have some super ability that makes them sense your aura , and becasue of that no matter what you do for them if your Aura is not the right one, they will reject you.
The Branching should have been based on your Behaviour toward the girls, How much time you spend with them, who you choose to hang out with, and therefore develop a deeper connection.
If you are in a good term with Maya, then you would not be in good term with Quinn, for example. Jill would demand exclusivity, and if you break that, you should face the consequence. the only realistic reaction was Bella, dumping MC after Chaty's panties incident. Let's put aside, how dump Chaty was for taking her panties off for a blowjob

, but that was at least a reasonable scenario, regarding having a consequence.
also, the Dik Affinity MC, should have been simply the Default MC personality, and the Neutral, and Chick , should not even exist, because his personality is to put it simply Dull.