So I kinda got ripped off yesterday

he might even have rented a room for just a couple of days and sell the same shit to more people and make alot of money with it. so i think you should get back to him a soon as possible.
Well done, ever thought about becoming a private eye? Hope you nail the sucker.

You know,when people don't have the common sense to cover their tracks when they are going to do shit like this,they are bound to get caught.Plus,I watch a shit load of t.v. so who says that it rots your brain.

he might even have rented a room for just a couple of days and sell the same shit to more people and make alot of money with it. so i think you should get back to him a soon as possible.

Well,I met him at a house,which happens to be the same address that his business is listed under,so unless he was really creative with a false identity and multiple email accounts,I'm pretty sure that it's really him.Besides,I don't think anyone would be that stupid to go through all that trouble just to rip someone off for $275.
Oh,and I just left him a message telling him that we can handle this like men,and that we can meet up so that he can give me my money back or I will be seeking legal action.I'm almost hoping that he doesn't call me so I can go to the police and have them get this guy.

If he does agree to meet you somewhere, bring a friend just in case he tries something, plus you'll have a witness.
If he does agree to meet you somewhere, bring a friend just in case he tries something, plus you'll have a witness.

Yup,that's what I plan on doing,but to be honest,I don't think he will agree to meet.
Wait a minute - this PS3 he sold you doesn't play PS1 games? That's impossible (unless it's broken) because ALL PS3s play PS1 games. It's the PS2 games that are no longer playable unless you have the original 60GB, 20GB, or the 80GB with 4 USB ports and memory reader (Motorstorm or Metal Gear 4 bundle). But even the newest PS3s play PS1 games, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Edit - I know you said it wasn't playing PS3 games either, so surely it is just broken - but I wanted to point this out about PS1 games, because you posted you called Sony and they said the model you have doesn't even play PS1 games - that has to be incorrect.
That's a real scunner, I hope you manage to get it cleared up with preferably a minimum of fuss/hassle.
With regards to taking along a friend, I would personally suggest the one you mentioned earlier from the Gym due to his 'official' connections, as technically his word may probably carry more weight than a 'random Joe Smoe' so to speak.
Wait a minute - this PS3 he sold you doesn't play PS1 games? That's impossible (unless it's broken) because ALL PS3s play PS1 games. It's the PS2 games that are no longer playable unless you have the original 60GB, 20GB, or the 80GB with 4 USB ports and memory reader (Motorstorm or Metal Gear 4 bundle). But even the newest PS3s play PS1 games, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Edit - I know you said it wasn't playing PS3 games either, so surely it is just broken - but I wanted to point this out about PS1 games, because you posted you called Sony and they said the model you have doesn't even play PS1 games - that has to be incorrect.

Actually,If you look on the Official Sony Website,there is a section that shows you if the model that you have is compatible or not,and according to the site the model number CECHK01 is totally non backwards compatible.

Oddly enough,if you search a little further on that page,it says that it's compatible with only select titles.But to even further contradict themselves,if you click on the button that shows you if your PS1 game is compatible,it only gives you the option to pick between two PS3 models,and the CECHK01 is not one of those choices.:confused:

I guess I'll take the operators word for it,but regardless of the compatibility,he sold me a bunk machine.

I just came from the police department of the town that he live in,and they said that I had to file with the court clerk and that the police weren't allowed to get involved in a civil issue.But he sounded very optimistic for me,considering I had a boat load of info on this guy.So I guess I'm going to court tomorrow.:confused:
anymore news. what happened in court?

Nothing happened yet.I just filed the paperwork to get the ball in motion.

It was a total hassle and it kinda sucks because the hearing is 5 1/2 weeks away.I was hoping for swift justice.Plus,court fees cost me damn near as much as the Playstation itself.:mad:
To be honest,it would've been cheaper if I would've just sent in the console to Sony and paid the $140 to get it fixed,but I just can't let this bastard get away with trying to rip me off.

Will E Worm

Nothing happened yet.I just filed the paperwork to get the ball in motion.

It was a total hassle and it kinda sucks because the hearing is 5 1/2 weeks away.I was hoping for swift justice.Plus,court fees cost me damn near as much as the Playstation itself.:mad:
To be honest,it would've been cheaper if I would've just sent in the console to Sony and paid the $140 to get it fixed,but I just can't let this bastard get away with trying to rip me off.

You need to sue him for court cost.

I hope you can still add that to your case.
Make sure to have all your info ready to go - label all your evidence, take photo's or bring in the system. Also try to think what kind of lies the guy will say and arrange your evidence around that.
Make sure to have all your info ready to go - label all your evidence, take photo's or bring in the system. Also try to think what kind of lies the guy will say and arrange your evidence around that.

All that is pretty much covered.Ever since I decided to take the asshole to court,I've been trying to stay at least two steps ahead.I have all the emails and the original posts from Craigslist showing how full of shit he is.Oh,and I'm not taking pictures of the PS3,I'm bringing it with me.

I have been reading your thread and just want to wish you, Good Luck in getting this guy.

Thanks a lot.I've been through quite a bit of shit so far,my main hope is that the judge shoves the broom stick as far up his ass as possible,because he fucking deserves it.
So tomorrow is the big day.I have to be in court at 9am.I have a feeling that bastard won't show up though.Either way,according to a friend of mine who happens to be a lawyer,I should win the case.

Will E Worm

I expect to see the video of the proceedings on youtube no later than a half an hour after you're done in court. ;)