JFlowers Black Sting Cue vs. Cuetec SVB Series - I tested it for you!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 194

  • @boscomoroz326
    @boscomoroz326 6 дней назад +1

    I have learned tips are so dang important. I have 3 quality cues and all play a little different on the cue ball action and consistency. I took a chance on a 50$ Temu carbon fiber shaft for my Mezz EC9. After working on the hard rock of a leather tip and shaping as good as possible, it was still terrible and dead. So I did surgery, put on a Kamui Black SS on the Temu CF Shaft... It is now my favorite shaft setup...by far. The action is so predictable, the tip never miscues, I absolutely fell in love and it looks great on the Mezz. It leaves streaks of smoke with back and top spin. My game definitely took a step forward with a more predictable tip. Equipment definitely matters to reach certain levels in pool. Its not the money spent as much as confidence that you can repeat same shot over and over.
    My Cuetec SVB has the same exact tip waiting to go on it. Cuetec SVB is similar to my Meucci, not bad, but not really predictable shot after shot.
    Glad I did a test tip install with the Temu shaft before I attack my high end Cuetec SVB CF shaft. My original Mezz wood shaft came with a Kamui and was my favorite tip previously but the Kamui SS Black has completely won me over. Just so much more confidence in my cue ball control on a super fast table than any cue I have ever shot. I plan to put it on every cue, so I keep a consistency across my sticks. Some days, I pick up one, and just not feeling it, switch and run the table. Weird game, POLF is how i describe it. One day you can't miss, the next day, ball in hands become shaky.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  6 дней назад

      Wow, thanks so much for the detailed feedback!! Appreciate it

  • @krispy1k
    @krispy1k Год назад +3

    Great review! I have the same JFlowers cue you used in this review. I purchased it for the exact reason of affordability for a better cue than the low budget cues I've always used. I too came to the conclusion that the Meucci medium tip was way too hard and have changed it to another brand in Soft and love this cue even more now. My recommendation to anyone buying this cue is to pick one of the other tips and pay the extra to have it installed before you even get it. It would be money well spent. Again this is the best quality cue that I have ever bought so I am in no way saying it is better than Cuetec or any other brand for that matter.

  • @Diasx
    @Diasx 2 года назад +7

    I owned that JFlowers cue as my first carbon fiber shaft cue. I was pleased with it for the cost. The one downside I had was that the joint felt like I constantly needed to check it for tightness.
    I’ve since purchase the new Truewood line from Cuetec with the Cynergy 15k.
    The joint feels as solid as a one piece cue and never feels like it needs tightening mid match.
    Having said all of that, the JFlowers cue was an excellent entry point to changing over to carbon fiber.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +2

      Thanks a lot for your feedback! Interesting.

    • @MARK-f4p8g
      @MARK-f4p8g Год назад +2


    • @cosmicraysshotsintothelight
      @cosmicraysshotsintothelight Год назад

      @@MARK-f4p8g What is this all caps loud mumbling crap? Do you have a problem with what you think the jargon used refers to? It is unclear since you seem to have a problem forming a full sentence.

  • @carolkornell4080
    @carolkornell4080 Год назад +4

    I bought the jf10-01f and you are correct about the tip. It doesn't play like a medium morri. It's very hard. Use it for a break cue until I change the tip. For the money it's not a bad playing cue, and good entry level carbon fiber cue.

  • @acolossalsquid
    @acolossalsquid Год назад +1

    I tried one of these out recently, my normal play cue is a Carmelli custom 3/8x10 cue with a Mezz / Exceed ExPro + Ignite shaft. The cue played quite well, especially considering it's a complete cue for around half the price of one of my shafts. That being said, it doesn't have nearly the same kind of touch and power that I'm accustomed to, but it's still easy to run racks with. I'd strongly recommend them to someone on a budget, a newer player wanting a cue they won't outgrow in a year, or someone who wants a cheaper cue to take out to poolhalls and bars and not have to worry as much compared to carrying one of their $5000 sticks.

  • @HereAfterBilliards
    @HereAfterBilliards 2 года назад +3

    I did a video comparison between a J Flowers and my Huebler a few months ago. Just a little bit different from yours since I was comparing a standard shaft to a carbon fiber. That being said, I came to the same conclusion as you. For what you pay, a great cue. I swiftly followed up that video with another video on how the tip was garbage and how I needed to replace it. 😂😂 I'm glad I'm not the only one who came to that conclusion.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +2

      Interesting! On purpose I haven‘t watched any other videos, to be unbiased (apart from my Cuetec bias). I really think, apart from the tip issue, that JFlowers produces decent cues

  • @armanas6166
    @armanas6166 2 года назад +5

    I have the Bf-801r jflowers cue and it is very good.
    The chalk sticks to the tip very nice and the tip feels like a normal medium tip.
    Maybe it is the price differences or the shipping but i am very pleased with the cue.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Great, thanks for letting me know! As mentioned, maybe its caused by the shipping, who knows. Easy to fix anyway

    • @JohnBowl14690
      @JohnBowl14690 Год назад

      Hardness is subjective. In my opinion, the jflowers tip is too hard. If you like it, great.

  • @oscardigallo
    @oscardigallo 2 года назад +3

    Just like you I played with a morri tip for years, I agree a 100% with your opinion about the tip 👍

  • @scambodia147
    @scambodia147 Год назад +1

    Bought this exact JF cue 18 months ago and I’m totally satisfied with it,had a predator with revo that cost me 1050$ and wish in hindsight that I had bought another JF.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      Hi! Great to read, happy that you found YOUR Cue!

    • @MagicMikeBilliards
      @MagicMikeBilliards 3 месяца назад

      I have the Tuxedo Predator SP2 that was $1050. Debating on switching to Jflowers. How’s the deflection in comparison to the Revo and which shaft did you get?

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 2 месяца назад

      @@scambodia147 I'm also curious on why you switched and how the 2 compare? Currently have svb and I'm considering switching to jfs 20-26 with crown shaft

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 2 месяца назад +1

      @@MagicMikeBilliards why are you thinking of switching?

  • @photo1965
    @photo1965 Год назад +2

    I own several JFlowers cues and would say they are van tastic, and they played great. Change the tip right away, or order it with a different tip.

  • @fltrx19rider14
    @fltrx19rider14 2 года назад +2

    Good video, accurate analysis. I have 2 jflowers cues. One I ordered with a tiger onyx tip (medium). The other cue I bought used, and it had a Jflowers branded tip on it (medium). The tiger tip is a wonderful tip. The Jflowers tip is very hard. The hit with it has an annoying “tink” sound when striking the cue ball. Both cues are a good value, however ordering an optional tip might be a good idea.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Thanks so much for your feedback/experience! Good to read from others like you, how you felt playing with it too!!

  • @Joelontugs
    @Joelontugs 5 месяцев назад +2

    I got both of them I bought my jflowers and I just got my hands on the cuetech svb and I love my svb I paid more for it but I love it a lot more

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  5 месяцев назад +1


    • @Joelontugs
      @Joelontugs 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@pocketedyoutube and I bought the white one I can’t tell you how sweet it is to SVB shoot with the exact same stick lol

  • @TheGunDude
    @TheGunDude 2 года назад +2

    I actually have both cues used in this video. The cuetec is my favorite obviously and it’s my go to cue. But occasionally I’ll pick up the JF and it’s really pretty good. I replaced the tip on mine which I recommend for everyone. Overall the JF is solid for the price you can’t beat it.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Thanks a lot, exactly my feeling/observation/thinking as well

    • @pioneert90
      @pioneert90 2 года назад +1

      I know it's purely down to the individual, but which tip would you guys pick from the options jflowers offer?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      @@pioneert90 Moori Medium

    • @chrisyounce1815
      @chrisyounce1815 2 года назад +1

      @@pocketedyoutube Sorry if I missed something but your recommendation for BionikBudda is to get a Moori medium tip but in the video you said you did not like the Moori medium?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      @@chrisyounce1815 I understand, that this sounds confusing. I love Moori tips (and recently Taom Pro and Fusion tips) but the one on the JFlowers definetly was not a Moori, or a damaged one. But does not take away the fact, that Moori are good tips.

  • @xXUrkeLSwaGG
    @xXUrkeLSwaGG 2 года назад +3

    I got the JF 20-21 about a month ago and love it, although I hated the tip. Like you mentioned, it felt almost like a break tip, just switched it to a kamui black soft tip.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Hi J Jax! Great, thanks for letting me know! Just confirms that just by changing the tip the cue becomes playable very easy.

    • @genejoe
      @genejoe Год назад

      I just ordered the jf 20-21. How is the quality of the leather? Does it still look the same as 4 months ago?

    • @xXUrkeLSwaGG
      @xXUrkeLSwaGG Год назад +2

      @@genejoe the leather seems to be of good quality. After 4 months of fairly regular use the entire stick still looks new.

  • @ScottShumski
    @ScottShumski 2 года назад +4

    DeLuna plays with an Exceed Mezz Cue. A beautiful cue!

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +2

      Hi Scott! I actually learned about this, still, he is listed as sponsored player on their website and until recently, he wore their patches. Do you know more about this! Keen to learn more! Thanks a lot

    • @anthonyvlogs01
      @anthonyvlogs01 Год назад +3

      @@pocketedyoutube he is actually only sponsored for JFlowers cases.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +2

      @@anthonyvlogs01 Thanks so much for the info!

    • @sander5457
      @sander5457 Год назад

      De Luna uses JFS cases, mezz cue. Dennis Orcolo uses JFS cue. Both sponsored. Seem them both in action last week in Pattaya highroller. ​@zanethind

  • @fishblade2
    @fishblade2 2 года назад +3

    Couple other things to note about the company as I own two of their more expensive options. One of my shafts had a moori medium tip that was hard as rock and second the second cue I bought from them with a radial joint, the shaft would not even screw down all the way. I contacted the company and they sent me another shaft no charge because they have had several customers complain of them. Third a few others have commented and one youtube video even shows how replacing the tip on the white ferrule cues can be troublesome to do since the plastic they use doesn't act as a good adhesive to the tip.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Hi there! Thanks so much for your additional input to my video! Really appreciate it

  • @crazylegson2
    @crazylegson2 2 года назад +3

    Hey. Thanks for the comparison. Around the 5:55 min mark, you said you had to adapt quite significantly from one cue to another. How so (imo this is the most important detail for a transparent comparison...)? Thanks.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Sure. One thing was the weight (there are weight bolts available for the JFlowers, but I had none available. And I had a 19oz cue from them, my Cuetec is around 21oz (I like it that way). And I also had no extension, also not a smaller one (like I always use on my Cuetec, the small part of the duo extension). And on top, the very hard cue tip. So overall, quite some adjustments for me, but mostly personal issues/reasons. Not caused by JFlowers.

    • @odraodee
      @odraodee 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@pocketedyoutubeWould you say that the deflection and the adjustment needed for throw is comparable between the two?

  • @BangTimePool
    @BangTimePool 2 года назад +3

    Great review!! I’m a Cuetec guy as well!!

  • @duongk3-r9k
    @duongk3-r9k 28 дней назад +1

    Is the shaft u testing with the JFlower is JFlower Classic version or SMO bro? Is Classic version still play good when compare with Cynergy one with its price

  • @natasharamen8620
    @natasharamen8620 Месяц назад +1

    Have you played with the Meucci carbon pro shaft. In my opinion that shaft shoots extremely well and I get great ball control with it. It also dosent have that hollow sound when hitting balls that most carbon shafts tend to have.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Месяц назад

      Yep, I fortunately did. Great one. I only experienced a hollow sound/feel with JFlowers (a bit) and with Predator (a bit, there, more damp then hollow). Apart from Cuetec Cynergy shafts (not hollow at all) I am really fond of Mezz shafts.

  • @Blakeyboi24
    @Blakeyboi24 Год назад +1

    I hear you about the hardness of the tip. I saw a video saying the Moori quality nowadays is terrible hence him switching to Kamui clear Medium. Just couldn't find the vid for reference. Nevertheless great video!

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      Thanks Blake! As mentioned, changing a tip to ones personal preference isn‘t a big deal nowadays. I currently use Tiger Sniper tips, and they work fine for me.

  • @ThatsaDumbComment
    @ThatsaDumbComment 2 года назад +2

    Great video as always!

  • @wowkiarani
    @wowkiarani 2 года назад +3

    I'm still a cuetec boy, using my R360 shafts, WCT breck and a bullet. Sinse I started playing 👍

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Ahh the good old R360!! One of my fav

    • @ItsTokenn
      @ItsTokenn 2 года назад +2

      Cuetec baby! Natural series CT450 w Cynergy shaft

  • @alexcollins1630
    @alexcollins1630 Год назад +2

    It hit likes a hard tip but I like it. I have the same cue. I'm a fan of big pin joints and sometimes it will loosen up but no big deal

  • @bbbyjay1264
    @bbbyjay1264 Год назад +1

    Great review.. for cosmetics.. that cue compared to SVB cues may not have been a good review cue.. can you do a review on low budget CUETEC cues? I myself love CUETEC..

  • @genejoe
    @genejoe Год назад +2

    I already have a cuetec shaft. And i am going to get my jf 20-21 cue next week as my back up cue. The leather is larger to the back so you dont have problems that you mention on the video. But im still curious and what i just need to know. Does the cue play almost the same? Same low deflection or maybe something else?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +2

      As mentioned, shaft plays quite well, feels a bit hollow compared to Cynergy Shaft, but overall not too bad. Low deflection for sure

    • @genejoe
      @genejoe Год назад +2

      ​@@pocketedyoutube i received mine and played with it for 4 hours and comparing it with my cuetec. I have to say its plays very different when i try to play with english. So im not really happy with the shaft at all. Does it something has to do with the moori tip maybe?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +1

      @@genejoe Not sure! Also not sure how consistent their shaft production is

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 2 месяца назад +1

      @@genejoe this is the classic shaft? Did you try the crown?

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 27 дней назад

      @@genejoe just for anyone out there, I got the JF with crown shaft and had to return it. Two things: it has/had higher deflection than my cuetec and they apparently use a rolling technology that makes shaft stronger but cause a feel that it's somewhat bumpy in my closed bridge (very personal experience).
      The butt was excellent, the balance was closer to predator vs my cuetec, and the shaft played well in terms of power and feel though. I couldn't get past deflection though

  • @rayurnlim6163
    @rayurnlim6163 Год назад +1

    Hi great review 👍
    are you using the 12.5 mm or 11.8 for your Cuetec Cynergy shaft ?
    N which one do you prefer personally?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +1

      Hi there! I play both, but prefer the 12,5mm shaft

  • @cosmicraysshotsintothelight
    @cosmicraysshotsintothelight Год назад +1

    "Detail oriented" "orientated" is not a word. Just a little detail with which to orient yourself in the future. :-)

  • @alexpipkin3176
    @alexpipkin3176 2 года назад +2

    I also have a JFlowers with the original tip and it hits a little softer than my McDermott with a Kamui medium tip. I think there may have been a quality issue with that particular tip or perhaps the leather material got compromised in shipping or something.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Sure thing. Changed the tip, flawless now

    • @bonkbonk2557
      @bonkbonk2557 Год назад +1

      No, jflower shaft has a softer hit than other shaft. I play with jf, mit, cynergy, same kamui athlete tip. The jf is more of a spin machine while other shaft is harder. The Mit carbon shaft is actually 90% feel like the svb shaft, the jf isn’t.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      @@bonkbonk2557 Hi there, thanks so much for the experience and feedback!

    • @billy-il8td
      @billy-il8td Год назад

      @@bonkbonk2557 hi I hope you see this. Do you mind elaborating spin vs feel? I'm finally taking pool serious and learning everything I can digest. Also which JF shaft are you comparing too because they now offer 3. Thanks

    • @JohnBowl14690
      @JohnBowl14690 Год назад

      @@pocketedyoutube - Thanks for posting! I now know what to do.

  • @cst369
    @cst369 2 года назад

    Tolles Video, super Review zum perfekten Zeitpunkt. Ich habe mein Revo 12,9mm gegen ein neues J Flowers Carbon Oberteil getauscht weil ich ein Oberteil mit einer kleineren Pommeranze wollte. Aber mit der Tip kam ich gar nicht klar. Genau wie du es angesprochen hast. Lässt sich schlecht kreiden, fühlt sich viel zu hart an. Habe mir dann eine kamui black medium drauf gemacht und nun spielt es sich super. Bin absolut zufrieden kein Unterschied erkennbar zu einem Revo mMn ;)

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Cool! Dasselbe habe ich auch vor, nur mit Taom Pro tip

    • @JohnBowl14690
      @JohnBowl14690 8 месяцев назад

      I love the Kamui tip, but I ordered a soft tip and it plays closer to a medium tip. Other than that, it plays superb. Best tip on the market in my opinion.

  • @royheuvelmans1474
    @royheuvelmans1474 Год назад +1

    I just started watching your videos and I really like your way of reviewing. I’am looking for a new cue. I’am really liking the Avid line from Cuetec…very reasonable priced. Do you experienced the Avid shaft? It would give you the nearest experience to a Carbonfiber shaft from a wooden shaft. Or spend a little extra and get the Cynergy shaft?
    Greetings from The Netherlands 🇳🇱

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +1

      Hi Roy! Always a tough question which shaft to get/use, because its so individual! Because there is also a quite big difference between the carbon shafts. Anyway, I would immediately go for the real deal (either Revo from Predator, or Cynergy, or Mezz) whatsoever, and not first spend money on another shaft, and then on another etc. Saves you money on the long run, immediately adapting and learning with the desired shaft. If it does not work out, you can still sell it on used Pool equipment sites - with a small financial loss only. I played the Avid shaft, and its great!!! For me! Just like the Cynergy shaft a bit more, just because I am used to it. Hope this helps!

    • @royheuvelmans1474
      @royheuvelmans1474 Год назад +1

      @@pocketedyoutube thank you very much for your reply. I contacted a dealer who sells Cuetec. The Ghost will be back on stock soon…what a beautiful cue that is.
      He also will try to have the Avid cue Era 4 there when I’am planning to go to him so I can try both. See how it feels.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +1

      @@royheuvelmans1474 Cool, lemme know

    • @royheuvelmans1474
      @royheuvelmans1474 Год назад

      @@pocketedyoutube I think the Avid line will fit my needs for the level I play…not weekly anymore. I stopped playing 4 years ago. I played with mezz. I just want a good cue without breaking the bank. But that Ghost cue is stunning…and I’am a bit of a gearfreak so it’s very tempting 😂😂. I saw your review about the Ghost cue and I was sold hahaha

    • @royheuvelmans1474
      @royheuvelmans1474 Год назад +1

      @@pocketedyoutube Have you ever played with the Longoni Luna Vera carbon shaft? As a dutchman I must love the Niels Fijen cue line. I just saw the older model….the Sparkle…with a Luna Vera shaft. What a beautiful cue🔥. Any experience with it?

  • @Hustler210
    @Hustler210 6 месяцев назад +1

    What do recommend the Jflowers BRKR BRACK CUE OR THE CUETEX BREACH???

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  3 месяца назад

      Both are good, but I would go with Breach!

  • @RichardsWorld
    @RichardsWorld Год назад +4

    These guys, might be a great value. I don't know. But on their website they try to make it look like players like Earl Strickland are sponsored by them or use their cue. They don't. They even have a video where Efren was asked to try one out and they videoed it, and they try to make it seem like Efren is sponsored by them. That is dirty righ tthere.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +1

      Yeah, feel the same. Although Earl was actually sponsored by them for the last Mosconi Cup. But other than that, they seem to stretch the truth a bit

    • @sander5457
      @sander5457 2 месяца назад

      BULLSHIT. These guys are all sponsored by JFlowers. De Luna, Kim Laksonen, Earl, Jason shaw. All JFlowers players. Don't talk shit

  • @christopher7310
    @christopher7310 2 года назад +2

    I'm a cutec and predator guy, but I'm not a fan of the Revo because I don't like the noise it makes. But, the Jay flowers cues are very impressive. Especially when you look at the cost. Ordering the cue online and replacing the tip with a good quality Kamui tip and it's still well below the cost its competition. I wouldn't mind having one as a backup, but as of now I'm saving up the buy the cutec

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Hi Christopher! Thanks a lot for your feedback!

  • @YaworskiPoolPractice
    @YaworskiPoolPractice 2 года назад +3

    I think this shows the JFlowers cue hangs with the bigboys at 1/2 the price. The true Cuetec comparison would be this JFlowers vs the Cuetec Avid. A Cuetec Cynergy shaft alone costs more than this JFlowers cue. Best comparison is 🍎 to 🍎, in that case I am sure despite your brand loyalty--which I fully respect, you would choose the Jflowers easily. The Cuetec company has a history of making fantastic products and the Cynergy shaft is one of them. The glass composite-bonded hard maple shaft that comes with the Avid series cue probably falls short of a carbon shaft. Now an Avid butt paired with their Cynergy shaft would be a great comparison to this JFlowers model, but again it would be twice the price. Thanks for the review, I enjoy your channel and honesty.
    Also, the JFlowers JF20-20 and JF20-21 models have a leather wrap that goes right down to the buttcap if that is what a player is looking for. Check out Jflowerscues.com

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +2

      Great, thanks for letting me know! As mentioned, I really think, that JFlowers produces an awesome product, especially for this price!!

    • @PostUp_Time
      @PostUp_Time 2 года назад +1

      hollow carbon tubes are about $1.00 each retail. The outside of the cue is some type of synthetic material. Even McDermott is using a solid Black MAterial on their less expensive models. Probably a similar coating that Cuetec uses on there butts.

    • @JohnBowl14690
      @JohnBowl14690 Год назад

      I have a Konllen (Jflowers) cue and a Cuetec Cynergy coincidentally. I like the Cynergy better. I have not tried changing the tip on the Konllen yet, so that could be the difference. But straight out of the box, Cynergy appears to be a little better. But if money were no object, I'd go with either the Cynergy Truewood or Predator P3. The Truewood looks so much better than the regular SVB. I've played with the P3 and it's good. It no longer has the annoying TING sound. Just my opinion.

  • @Gonfreecs18
    @Gonfreecs18 11 месяцев назад +2

    What is the best tip in JFlowers?
    Because moori medium tip was pre installed when i buy it

  • @JohnJohnson-zq9rg
    @JohnJohnson-zq9rg 9 месяцев назад +2

    You say "you get what you pay for". That is not true read my honest story and experience with this company, so people also hear an other opinion: Jflowers says It say's the default weight is 19 Pounce and they say you can remove (or add) weights to change the weight. That is not true
    I ordered a 19 ounce but got a heavier one. And it was NOT possible to remove weight bolts because they all where already out. When I complained, because the cue was to heavy for me and totally out of balance, they put an extreme light shaft on it of just 3,6 ounce (usually shafts are around 4 ounce) and the butt was way to heavy in relation to the shaft. When accelerating through the cue ball it felt like a sledge hammer instead of a precision instrument.
    Jflowers first told me to remove weight bolts or send the cue back so they would remove them to solve the issue. They first would not understand that the butt did not contain removable weights. So I had to send it back. After they inspected the butt they came to the conclusion there are no weights to remove. They refused to send me a lighter butt and told me that the heavier then 19 ounce butt was the lightest they got so they would not replace it.
    I already owned an other Jflowers classic shaft which has a normal weight of 3,9 ounce combined with the faulty butt the cue would weight 19,5 ounce. That is half an ounce more than the 19,0 ounce that was expected after ordering and no possibility to remove weight bolts.
    Jflowers support simply did deny the issue did not send a lighter butt. Because they said the deviation was within to be expected margin for cues in their price range. And I was told the do not want to do any more business with me. Because they lost already money because of the shipping costs.
    Well my thought is If a company says this, there must be lots of unsatisfied customers. If it would only be one with one time extra shipping costs then I cannot imagine that would be an issue.
    So lessons learned is, if you want a cue and risk it be unbalanced or to heavy you can buy. If you already own a shaft and order a 19 ounce cue, hoping you can take out weight bolts if to heavy you should not buy.
    Jflowers is not capable of guarantying to send an exact 19 ounce and balanced cue, it is depending on luck, that has weight bolts in it to remove.
    I also played a Cuetec. And no the Jflowers can not at all compete with a Cuetec. Cuetec offers far better quality and adjustability. Even their cheaper AVID range cues are much better then the Jflowers.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for your extensive and great feedback! Great topics, really appreciate it

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 2 месяца назад +1

      @@JohnJohnson-zq9rg when you say jfs can't compete with cuetec, could you share more? I've had svb for over a year now, changed tip to kamuii clear soft which helped... But the butt and vibration of the cue is making me consider jfs.. Planning on getting 20-26 with crown (not classic) shaft

  • @thedevilinthecircuit1414
    @thedevilinthecircuit1414 Год назад

    Knowing that the company makes 'budget' cues, it would not surprise me if they installed whatever tip they had in stock. Many budget brands (any product) are frequently subject to the ol' "specifications are subject to change without notice," because they are building them down to a price. There is another Chinese brand called Moyerely that sells these carbon cues even cheaper; I'm pretty certain they use the same shaft.

  • @Danks-vz5xz
    @Danks-vz5xz 5 месяцев назад +1

    Most anything with a carbon shaft plays the same, the only difference being quality control varying from company to company. This biggest factor is the tip and ferrule combination and how it is engineered. I have a JF cue and imo its comparable to anything out there.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  3 месяца назад +1

      I would heavily disagree on this one (as many). I am not the most „feel“ player on the planet, but just being able to compare various shafts directly next to each other was eye opening. Had the same opinion like you, but had to change my mind. Different shafts from different manufactures play quite differently

  • @tedmallen3139
    @tedmallen3139 10 месяцев назад +1

    Why does the JFlowers not have a metal screw in for the shaft but a carbon fiber screw in?

  • @sander5457
    @sander5457 Год назад +2

    Played a ton with the Svb cuetec, the all famous blue black. Recently switched to JFS. Better in every aspect. Balance, shaft, everything. JFS over cuetec any day.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      Great for you! Thats the beauty of Pool technology, everyone can choose and use whatever they like more.

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 2 месяца назад

      ohh, @sander5457 what made you switch? I'm in the same boat, I've had SVB for a year now and think I want to get JFS 10-23 or 20-26 with the crown shaft...not been impressed recently with my cuetec (butt is meh and feel vibration when I put a lot of english)

    • @sander5457
      @sander5457 2 месяца назад

      ​@@jodurodola I got the JF20 with SMO. Best cue I ever had. The SMO shaft is ridiculously good. I changed because some of our club players had some JFlowers to test. Everybody loved m! Specially the SMO shaft is really worth it. Almost zero deflection. I have Taom Fusion tip. Trust me, with SMO shaft, it beats every cuetec.

    • @jodurodola
      @jodurodola 2 месяца назад

      @@sander5457 thanks for reply... Hmm, I was thinking crown shaft cause of larger tip size... Any insights on crown shaft

    • @sander5457
      @sander5457 2 месяца назад +1

      @@jodurodola Crown is good. Smo is superb. Really depends on your level of play. If you're under 625 Fargo you are alright with the crown. Above that you might want to consider 100 bucks more for the SMO. And change the tip..

  • @arijano82
    @arijano82 2 года назад +1

    I play with a j flowers Jf 20-20, and yes you are right about the Tipp, its not that good.
    Super Video like always, greetings from Swiss

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Hi, thanks a lot for your feedback, really appreciate it!

  • @hypexzombie7908
    @hypexzombie7908 Год назад +2

    Hi! the jflowers cues have removable rubber bottom where you can remove/add weight bolts to change the weight of the butt which solves one of your problems with the cue. Just in case you didn’t know, loved the video and getting my jflowers cue here in a few hours.

  • @livealoha50f
    @livealoha50f 2 года назад +2

    Sorry, what's up with that table? Looks nice.

    • @livealoha50f
      @livealoha50f 2 года назад +1

      looks like a Brunswick? But maybe it's not.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      Its a Dynamic 3 Eurotour Table

  • @jimvalim1567
    @jimvalim1567 Год назад

    The true test is rolling the cues on the table to see if there is wobble or warp! That's the only way to see if the cue is straight!

    • @jimvalim1567
      @jimvalim1567 Год назад

      I hate spending money on a cue that's not straight! Especially when you buy it online for $600 bucks, and then it arrives warped!

  • @kimbye1
    @kimbye1 Год назад +2

    Back in the day Cuetec was a low budget brand on par with Valhalla and Lucky cues, it's hilarious to see that they now charge premium dollar for their cues, yet the quality is still entry level.
    I have lost count how many Cynergy ferrules I have changed or threads in shafts fixed as the junk plastic is not anywhere near strong enough for their silly bastard 3/8-14 pin.
    Don't get me started on the Jflowers stuff, so many problems..
    I love how testing is some random shots on a pool table only looking at deflection, as that has anything with the quality of a cue.

    • @jw2par
      @jw2par Год назад

      Interesting, I'm a beginner/novice. What would you recommend? I plan on joining a league soon .

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад +1

      Yeah Kim, I can relate

    • @kimbye1
      @kimbye1 Год назад +1

      @@jw2par Depends on your budget. Under $200 Valhalla by Viking or Lucky by McDermott seems to have little problems and reasonably good quality control. If you can spend a little more, the entry level Joss, Viking and Pechauer cues are all fairly priced for what you get. If you can try before you buy, that's always the best. A carbon fibre shaft is not a necessity and it adds a lot to the price of the cue. Be mindful that not every carbon fibre shaft is made the same way or to the same standards. Revo, Ignite and Whyte are a cut above the rest.

    • @jw2par
      @jw2par Год назад

      @@kimbye1 Wow ,Thank you I really appreciate this

    • @JohnBowl14690
      @JohnBowl14690 Год назад +3

      Cuetec was an entry level priced cue, but Stickland and Fisher played their best pool using pretty much an off the shelf cue. Yes, they had a very slight modifications, but they were pretty much stock. It's the player, not the stick. Too many players are focusing on the stick. Efren Reyes played championship level with a $10 cue. There's a video out of this on RUclips.

  • @SamuL147
    @SamuL147 2 года назад +2

    Painted inlays and a fake moori tip, that’s what you’ll get with 300 bucks. Maybe a nice cue for a beginner player

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +1

      I changed the tip, and I have to admit, it actually plays very well now! The rest is personal preference I guess, as with so many things in Pool

    • @michaelgavin2843
      @michaelgavin2843 2 года назад +3

      Inlays do not have influence over performance. Put your tip of choice on it then?? Lol problem solved. Seems like a good option for any skill level

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      @@michaelgavin2843 Exactly! Thats what I did, and it plays well now. As mentioned, design etc. is personal preference

  • @vebnew
    @vebnew Год назад


  • @RodelPerez-w9r
    @RodelPerez-w9r 10 месяцев назад +1

    which is better peri cue or jflower cue?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  3 месяца назад

      Puh. Difficult question. I honestly do not know

  • @Flo-ey6me
    @Flo-ey6me 2 года назад

    Wo bistn du her?

  • @dennisordiales2602
    @dennisordiales2602 2 года назад +1

    Hi, is the shaft of Jfowers can be fitted to the butt of the cuetec?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      No, JFlowers uses Radial Pin, which does not fit a Cuetec cue

  • @gerarddresch712
    @gerarddresch712 Год назад +1

    Do the New J Flowers SMO

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      I wish! Maybe JF will send it to me, but I doubt it.But I will try

    • @gerarddresch712
      @gerarddresch712 Год назад +1

      @@pocketedyoutube Shame for the SMO has been tested in a lab against the others and result is the New J Flowers SMO has the least deflection over all right now. Thanks

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      @@gerarddresch712ah great, thanks for letting me know. Interesting.

    • @JohnBowl14690
      @JohnBowl14690 Год назад +1

      @@gerarddresch712 - Yeah...JFlowers is charging $399 for just the shaft. While that's reasonable I guess if it really helps your game, but I'm not totally conviced that CF is better than wood. In theory, it's probably better. In the real world I'm not so sure.

  • @anon2414
    @anon2414 2 года назад +1

    That's funny Karl boyes said this jflowers tip was too soft... definitely personal preference...take these reviews with a grain of salt. .including the entire cue

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Yes, normally I would not argue, but as many in the comments pointed out, the had similar issues as me. But as mentioned, just change it, and its not a big deal then

  • @MARK-f4p8g
    @MARK-f4p8g Год назад +16


  • @fortune.modified
    @fortune.modified 3 месяца назад +1

    that's like 🎯 cue high grade preform good 🤏

  • @HillbillyIslandLife
    @HillbillyIslandLife 2 года назад +2

    So not bad for 300

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Absolutely not!

    • @PostUp_Time
      @PostUp_Time 2 года назад +2

      you can get cue with CF shaft, real one for 150. Little Monsters by Cuppa

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      @@PostUp_Time Yeah, I researched a little bit. There are great options out there.

    • @HillbillyIslandLife
      @HillbillyIslandLife 2 года назад

      @@PostUp_Time unfortunately, not all CF shafts are created alike. There r several necessary steps to be done to a CF cue shaft to make it play correctly and I know a few guys who went for cheap and got exactly what they paid for
      A CF Rod that doesn’t play correctly

    • @LvLdGhost
      @LvLdGhost 2 года назад

      @@PostUp_Timethat’s a break cue.

  • @PostUp_Time
    @PostUp_Time Год назад +2


  • @JerryLee..
    @JerryLee.. Год назад +1

    Are you sponsored by CueTec?

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  Год назад

      Not sponsored, but supported - which I highly appreciate

  • @jdbankshot
    @jdbankshot 2 года назад

    "get to the choppa!"

  • @happyhappy8746
    @happyhappy8746 Год назад

    Why did he have to ask CUETEC ???

  • @DonnieGlicken-d9z
    @DonnieGlicken-d9z 5 месяцев назад

    Collins Knoll

  • @MARK-f4p8g
    @MARK-f4p8g Год назад


  • @WalterVance-w8w
    @WalterVance-w8w 6 месяцев назад

    Runolfsdottir Expressway

  • @carlblacklock7120
    @carlblacklock7120 2 года назад +1

    It's the same .just different taper

  • @dwaynehendricks7842
    @dwaynehendricks7842 6 месяцев назад +1

    Neither one!! They are both mass-produced.

  • @strikerz2912
    @strikerz2912 День назад +1

    Cuetec is way better

  • @andreosman4878
    @andreosman4878 Год назад

    Pls send me a cue

  • @franzschlosser2576
    @franzschlosser2576 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @chakaula8642
    @chakaula8642 2 года назад +1

    "ORIENTED"... There's no such word as ORIENTATED! Just saying: FYI... it's "anyway" not ANYWAYS.

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      Thanks a lot for correcting me. I am not a native speaker, but I try my best!

    • @peterwhitaker71
      @peterwhitaker71 2 года назад +1

      You might want to check the Oxford English Dictionary. We kind of invented the language. Just saying. :)

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад

      @@peterwhitaker71 Thanks a lot for the hint! I try to improve my English daily, but I know, I need to work more on it

    • @peterwhitaker71
      @peterwhitaker71 2 года назад +2

      @@pocketedyoutube The comment was correcting the other guy. Orientated is used mainly by the british. It is a word, although not used much in the USA. Your English is fine.

    • @PostUp_Time
      @PostUp_Time 2 года назад +3

      *there is such a word. google it. before you ridicule someone else.........anyways...*

  • @Cannabizz-vx2rp
    @Cannabizz-vx2rp 2 года назад +1

    I wish i have money to buy this kind of cue 😢😅

    • @pocketedyoutube
      @pocketedyoutube  2 года назад +2

      I feel you, been there as well …

    • @Cannabizz-vx2rp
      @Cannabizz-vx2rp 2 года назад

      Im from ph cue stick like that so expensive here